A Day to Remember Eternal Connections…


March 22, 2016, my family honored our mom, grandma, and great grandmother on her 90th birthday. This was also the 5th birthday of our granddaughter, Emalynn Grace, so of course, she felt like an important part of the party!

Five years earlier, our daughter, Sarah, and her husband, Brandon, traveled to the hospital, realizing their first child would be delivered in a few hours. On the way, they called Grandma Kathy to wish her, “Happy Birthday,” Over the phone, my mom, a woman of deep faith, prayed for her fifth grandchild and eighth great grandbaby.

Today, Mom celebrates her 95th birthday in Heaven while we rejoice in Emmi’s first double-digit birthday.  

I spent the last four days of this past week immersed in an intensive online spiritual direction retreat—a time of education, training, and retreat with ten other cohorts in my Sherpa Spiritual Direction program.

Among many activities, Dr. Deborah Gill, founder and director, taught about activity in the Christian Church during the Medieval Period.

  I love history—especially fascinated with Church history—so I was mesmerized by this trip through Medieval times, looking at men and women with powerful voices such as Benedict; Augustine; Francis of Assisi; Clare; Ignatius of Loyola; and Teresa of Avila. Debbie guided us through the fall of the Roman Empire; the rise of Muhammed and Islam; evangelization of European Christians; the establishment of monasteries; the Crusades; conflicts of differing perspectives among believers; as well as horrors of the Black Death and plagues.  

Through all these historic events, the Church not only survived but grew. Leaders and ordinary lay people emerged who understood their Christian faith. With wisdom they recognized how their expression of faith fit within the cultural context of the era in which God had placed them.

During the final session of the Sherpa retreat, each member was asked to share a gift he or she received during the long weekend event. A plethora of thoughts swirled through my mind.

Memories of Mom’s passing.

Joys connected to my youngest granddaughter’s landmark birthday.

A desire to do spiritual direction well.

The chance to be a relevant voice within the culture God has placed me.

     What a privilege, I concluded, each of us has been given to play some role in God’s Eternal work.

     At times, I think about those who read the words in this bi-weekly blog. Many have been reading about my journey of faith, making connections to their own, for almost five years.

Some I know. Others I’ve never met.

          Some are certain of their faith. Others are skeptical about Christianity.

           Some resonate with what I write. Others do not approve.

               Some comment or “Like” my posts. Most do not.

Whomever the reader, I feel a soul connection. I pray for readers whether I’ve met them or not. I believe deeply each one is known by God. More than known. Each is loved by the never changing, always present God of Eternity.

Today, I’d like to express thanks to God for you who read Listening on the Journey…; to my mother who taught me to love Jesus; and to 10-year-old Emmi, who delights her Grandma!

Blessings to Each…



Yeah We’re All Growing Older…


Beauty of Becoming….Lenten Thanks