Hello Fellow Sojourner,
I’m glad you’ve chosen to join me
while Listening on the Journey… 

This journey, called life. 


A journey filled with:

Heart-warming laughter; soul-wrenching tears.
Joyful successes; painful defeats.
Sacred ah-ha discoveries; shameful secrets.

A journey of:            

Peaks climbed; valleys crossed.
Destinies reached; detours demanding adjustments.
Dreams demolished; hopes reconstructed.


So, who am I? This person wanting to share your journey.

I’m a woman who’s traveled quite a few miles. When I look in the mirror, I see a rather ordinary reflection gazing back.

Peering more closely, though, I realize that person in the mirror is a woman created in the image of God. A woman loved deeply, known intimately, by God. A woman whose image reminds me of God’s goodness and grace. Realizations like this humble me, and yet, make me feel extraordinarily special.

Faith Fuels my Journey

What I believe: I agree with statements of faith
declared in the Apostle and Nicene Creed

On a more personal level, I believe:

  • God’s grace is amazing; God’s love is unimaginable.

  • God designed us for relationship—divine and earthly.

  • Scripture is inspired and relevant.

  • Jesus came to earth as Emmanuel (God with us) and is who he claimed to be.

  • The journey of Christian faith is an adventure, full of discovery, mystery, meaning, as well as unexpected, often unwanted challenges, all of which will lead the sincere seeker to greater love for God and more Christlike character.

  • Heaven is real; my earthly journey is temporary; and one day, my understanding will be complete, my pain erased, and my joy will never end.

  • Finally, I believe an unseen, but very real, Spirit speaks to the human spirits of us who dare to listen. 

  • While I may not be in complete agreement with the doctrine of another’s faith tradition, I choose to let common beliefs unite rather than focusing on that which divides.

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Family Brings Joy to my Journey

I’m married to Ron. For over 40 years, he’s been my partner, best friend, and biggest encourager.

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Meaningful Work
Fortifies my Journey.

After a long government career, I determined to transition during the new phase called retirement in a manner filled with meaning and ‘age-appropriate’ adventure.  


Non-essential—but perhaps enjoyable—trivia about Sue

Although we may share similarities, I believe God sees you, me, and every individual as one-of-a-kind.

My purpose: In a grace-filled, winsome way—to point people
to a never-changing God in our always-changing world.

My core values:  

Authenticity, Generosity, Graciousness, Integrity,
Lifelong Learning, Significance & Wisdom.