Traditions Help Us Get in the Christmas Spirit

Sue’s Note: LOVE is the focus of this final week of Advent 2020. As the Advent candle of LOVE is lit, it joins the candles of HOPE, PEACE, and JOY.  

I’ve invited my friend, Stephen Robinson, to write today’s guest post. Stephen is a man who reflects the love of Jesus, which, of course, is the reason for the season of Advent.

On this day before Christmas, Stephen recalls the power of tradition even when circumstances disrupt our cherished traditions. I can surely relate, and I imagine many readers will as well.

Despite disruptions, we’re reminded the tradition of remembering God’s never-ending LOVE, will never cease. The story of Emmanuel—God with Us—remains as relevant as it was more than 2000 years ago.  

What a year 2020 has been!

I don’t know about you, but I certainly didn’t expect to be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day without our extended family.

This year has impacted us all in a variety of ways. I have heard many people say, “It just doesn’t feel like Christmas” or “I don’t feel like I have much Christmas Spirit.”  For some, it will be the first Christmas without loved ones, which is so difficult. If that’s your story this Christmas, my heart goes out to you.

Putting up the Christmas tree and our “exterior illumination” (outdoor Christmas lights), often reserved for the day after Thanksgiving, came a few days earlier this year. We all thought starting earlier might help jumpstart the Christmas spirit.  

I found myself getting more nostalgic as I watched the girls putting up some of their favorite ornaments, realizing our time together as a family goes so fast.

Do I cling to these traditions hoping to stop time—if only for a few weeks every December? Once our tree is up, our daughters and I enjoy watching Elf. It’s not my wife’s favorite, but she graciously watches it every year without complaining. (I can’t say the same when it comes to watching Hallmark movies!)

Our family motto is, “Robinson’s serve,” and Christmas Eve is no different. or as long as we can remember, Christmas Eve has been spent at church, usually with the girls helping in a special play during the service. The time in between services was often one of our favorite memories as we enjoyed eating with the other volunteers and opening presents with grandparents who came by to see the girls. It was such a special night, going home to open our new pajamas before watching “The Nativity Story,” followed by a mad dash to finish wrapping presents.


Christmas 10 years ago when our Christmas-pajamas tradition began.

As we gather with families to celebrate Christmas this year, I know many things will look differently. But I pray you will still find peace, joy, and hope—all wrapped up in God’s never-changing LOVE—as we celebrate the birth of Christ. 

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Stephen Robinson 


Reflections at the Conclusion of an Unusual Year……


Advent – Week Four LOVE