Beauty for Ashes

I’m not overly sentimental. I tend to be present-focused and action oriented. Having said that, however, this time of year—when our peonies and Japanese irises bloom—I often become quite maudlin.

     The roots of both flowers are imbedded deeply in my family history. They represent stories I didn’t experience firsthand but to which I am connected.

The peonies that come up each year in our yard were not purchased at a garden center. Rather they are heirloom or historic peonies, which originated in my grandfather’s garden years before I was born. My grandfather passed them down to my aunt who in turn gave them to Ron and me when she moved into a retirement apartment.

The irises were given to my mom by her older sister who died almost 50 years ago. Mom passed them on to me. Since I’m not a great gardener, my dear husband has tended them with care ever since.

My grandfather and both aunts were what I call “wounded souls.” Their stories were filled with chapters which included betrayal, abuse, trauma, loss, and much grief.

As I’ve wandered around our yard recently, I’ve thought about their stories. At times, I’ve felt great sadness. Sometimes, when I am exposed to a person’s particularly painful story, I say to God, I’m sorry, God, but I just don’t get it. Why do some people suffer and experience so much sadness? It doesn’t seem fair!

The other day, as I was enjoying the peonies, now beginning to fade, and the irises, coming into full bloom, I thought once again about my grandfather and two aunts. I remembered their creativity and how each loved beauty—flowers, music, art, literature. A verse of Scripture from Isaiah 61:3 came to mind. It speaks of those who grieve, promising God would bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.

If your story seems filled with more sorrowful than joyful chapters, or if you are in a season of sadness, I hope these brief words and lovely photos Ron took recently will “bestow a crown of beauty!” 

Blessings to you!


Making Memories


How I Train for Spiritual Strength