“BECOMING” is a process…

I’m trying to develop a new spiritual discipline of setting aside a special Sabbath day each week. I agree—at least in principle—with Richard Foster, who calls spiritual disciplines the “door to liberation.” [i] So far, though, I haven’t been successful. I keep deciding I have too much to do to take time out for Sabbath rest and promise myself, NEXT WEEK! 

     Busyness often reflects the condition of my soul.  I’m realizing once again that to BE is much more difficult than continuing to DO! It’s also a good reminder that BECOMING is a process. I don’t need to berate me, but I do need to keep placing one foot of faith in front of the other in my desire to become more like Jesus!

     Jesus had a very busy agenda and knew he had only three years in which to accomplish his earthly ministry. Yet, Jesus understood the need to get away from it all to either be alone in prayer with His Father in Heaven or with his special friends, as reflected in his invitation recorded in Mark, chapter 6.

Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. (Mark 6:31 NIV)

     Is there a spiritual discipline you are trying to develop or a goal you want to accomplish? If so, I hope these simple thoughts will encourage you to keep on becoming!

Note about this photo. The deck on our house needed to be replaced, and all summer long, my husband worked on this project, many days during unseasonably hot weather! The result is a lovely patio with pavers and a cozy covered portion, which I call our NI (North Idaho) Lanai! Here you can see the cedar privacy screen, the flame from a tabletop fireplace, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers Ron bought at a roadside stand. My hope is to spend lots of “Sabbath” BECOMING in our backyard sanctuary! 

Blessings on your journey of BECOMING!

[i]Foster, Richard, Celebration of Discipline, (Harper Collins, 3rd Edition) p. 1


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