Celebrating Family – a “Labor” of Love

Today is a federal holiday, known as Labor Day, when the U.S.A. celebrates the many people who work hard to make our nation work well. Thank you to all those who labor diligently and faithfully day after day, year after year.

Since it is a holiday, I am taking a little break from writing about St. Francis of Assisi to celebrate family.

Today, September 4th, is our youngest grandchild’s birthday. Reeve Benjamin Olson turns eight-years-old. It seems like only yesterday when we took his “big” sister Emalynn to Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane to meet her newborn brother.

             It was love at first sight for Emmi, although nowadays, there are times when I think she wonders just how much she loves her quick-witted, funny, rambunctious, often annoying, red-haired brother whose personality matches his hair color! Reeve’s quick, easy-going smile is more endearing than ever these days, revealing a big gap from two missing front teeth. He’s in almost perpetual motion and is usually tossing, dribbling, or kicking some kind of ball.

Reeve-O (as he’s frequently called) was quick to smile for Grandpa Ron during the Sunup Bay July 3rd celebration.

Reeve was my mom’s eighth great-grandchild, and another family memory is the day we traveled to North Spokane to pick her up and drive her to Spokane Valley to meet him. Mom loved babies, and little Reeve seemed quite content snuggling into his great grandma’s loving embrace.

Mom died at the age of 94 on September 4, 2020, Reeve’s fifth birthday. Coincidentally (or perhaps not), Emalynn was born on her Great Grandma Kathy’s 85th birthday.

            Growing old isn’t always easy. While I believe sincerely, life in Heaven is wonderful for my mother, and I never wish she would return, there are those times when I think, “Oh, it would be nice if Mom were here today.”

That was the case a few weeks ago when our younger daughter, Sarah, and I hosted an intimate family bridal shower for our firstborn grandchild, Sydney Marie, who will marry Bryan in October. It was so much fun having both daughters and all three granddaughters here for the joyous event. When I look at this photo of all of us in our Paris and Italy aprons Ron and I brought back from our recent trip to Europe, I can almost see my beautiful mother front and center, stylishly modeling hers.  

Left to Right, Emmi, Sarah, Grandma Susie, Angie, Sydney, and Mackenzie.

Emmi was our barista at the shower, serving fancy coffee drinks made to each guest’s specific wishes. My heart explodes with love when I look at these three beloved young women for whom I’ve prayed since before they were born.

It’s kind of ironic to think each day a new family member enters the world, it’s “Labor” Day! Not only does bringing a child into this world involve labor, but building family takes a lot of work. Often, the work is tiring. Sometimes, it is hard, messy, hurtful, and disappointing. Today, though, as I look on the smiling faces of my family members, I think, oh, my goodness, any work is worth it because working for family is indeed a “Labor of Love!”  

Enjoy this end-of-summer holiday, and blessings on your journey,

Blessings on your journeys,


St. Francis of Assisi – A Call to Rebuild


St. Francis of Assisi – More Than an “Eco-Warrior”