Celebrating God’s “Bigness”

There are moments this mama and grandma remember well. For example, when one of my beloved daughters or grandchildren was sitting in her or his highchair, and I asked the question, “How big is baby?” In response, my cherished little one’s chubby arms lifted high and stretched wide, as I declared,“Sooooooo Big!”

     I often say I want my God to become bigger and bigger. Of course, one cannot change God’s size. God is infinite. We can only wrap our understanding of God’s ‘bigness’ around our very finite brains. What I mean is I desire my understanding of an infinite God to keep enlarging.

     How does this happen? Your experience will differ from mine, but here are some God-expanding moments I recall.

  • Discoveries in Scripture revealing a characteristic or action of God that causes me to exclaim, “Wow! I never knew that about you, God!”

  • Events, such as watching my first grandchild enter the world. The wonder of birth expanded the parameters of my heart and enlarged my love for God.

  • Looking through the rearview mirror of life, remembering the variety of ways God orchestrated painful, perplexing problems for a good purpose.

  • God’s creation. As I view some of my husband’s amazing images from nature, such as this misty photo taken on the Palouse, my vision of God often expands.

  • Moments when God touched my spirit in an unmistakable way. Although feelings alone will not define my belief in God, experiencing on a personal level that God knows my name and cares for me in a unique way causes my faith to explode.

In conclusion, I hope you will join me in blessing the Lord …”


When God Enlarges the Sea


Making Memories