The Little Girl Inside our Story: Choosing to Stop the Craziness!
“…listen to the heartache and hope that are etched in the narrative of your life…find the meaning God has written there” – Dr. Dan Allender [i]
Sue’s Note: The Bethany story series was first printed over four years ago. Bethany continues to grow into the amazing woman God created her to be. Her family has grown since this series first ran. Our granddaughter, who posed for the Bethany photos in 2016, now looks more like a pre-teen than a little girl.
I wish I could say sexual abuse of innocent children has declined, but that would be inaccurate. If you were the victim of childhood abuse, please seek help! To discuss further, please send me a confidential email:
Journeying into a New, Happier Chapter…
Bethany’s ‘little girl’ story – (Part 4)
Where we left off last time: Four words in the guest speaker’s talk impacted me deeply. Concerning her minister-father’s repeated sexual abuse, the woman said she reached a point where she finally decided, “The crazy stops here!” That’s where I’m at now!
I want my life to be focused less on my past and the hurts others inflicted on me, and more on how I’m going to let those hurts shape me into the woman God created me to be. Focusing on my past kept me stuck for too many years.
No more unnecessary and undeserved burden bearing!
I want to change for many reasons, but my children are at the top of my list. I don’t want my kids to go through the same things I did. I won’t let my children pay for what another broken person did to me. I will not allow my past to define my children’s future.
I know this process of healing won’t be easy. I will need to face emotions I didn’t realize I had because they had been stuffed so deeply for such a long time. Re-living painful experiences so I can learn how to change the cycle will be difficult.
I know I need to tell my story, which is why I’ve allowed Sue to share it with you. Even though the process of writing these words has at times been difficult, I know in the long run, telling my story will benefit me—and I hope others.
I want to leave a legacy of love and wholeness. I want my beautiful children to know I loved them so much that I was willing to do the hard work of sorting through my past pains. I’m going to let those changes make me better. I want my kids to reap the healthy benefits.
Yes, the crazy is going to stop right now!
Let the new chapter begin!
I’m praying God will add meaning, create hope, and bless the pages of your story…
Blessings on your Journey…
Walking into a New Chapter…The green light on the horizon says, “You GO, Girl!”
[1] To be told – God Invites You to Coauthor Your Future, Dan B. Allender, Ph.D.