Closing and Opening are Similar

(Sue’s note about today’s photos. Ron and I are planning a trip to Europe in the Spring of 2023. Today’s photos are ones Ron took New Year’s Eve and Day in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and I decided to add a little international touch. “Arrivederci” means “good-bye” in Italy, where we plan to begin our European adventure. “Salut” is French for “hello.” We will conclude our trip by celebrating our anniversary in Paris.)      

Some of my greatest gifts are women of faith who transition from acquaintances to “sisters of the heart.”

     The Celts call such individuals an Anam Cara or soul friend. 

     Laurice Engle is my Anam Cara. On New Year’s Day, Laurice’s Facebook post resonated, and she gave me permission to share some of her thoughts with you.

“Closing 2022 and Opening 2023 are one in the same in many ways. Both involve acceptance of the journey of growth which life is.”

I, Sue, was reminded recently that a new year is kind of like a new chapter in the same book. New characters may be introduced. Relationships with previously introduced individuals may change. Conflicts may be resolved or intensified.  New victories and challenges will be presented. Deeper insights will be realized.

In other words, the bigger story will be altered in ways both good and not so good. Each new chapter expands and enriches the plot.

Thanks, Laurice. In closing, we offer her prayer for the new year!


Laurice’s Closing and Opening Prayer

Lord, my personal prayer is that no lesson is wasted,

That I take each trial, challenge, or victory

As a gift of becoming more of what is good and less of what is bad.

Thank you for all the circumstances in 2022 that made me better.

Here’s to all that 2023 holds to continue becoming better

In Jesus’ Name!


I’ll be praying for you as we journey together through 2023!


Anchored in Serenity


New Year Pledge:  Gratitude Always!