Did Not Finish Yet

Sue’s Note: More than five years ago, I approached Stephen Robinson after a Sunday morning church service. I knew Stephen’s sweet wife and understood he was a “computer guy.” Because my technological skills are minimal, I knew I needed a “computer guy or gal” if I were going to step into what I felt God was calling me to do—write a blog.  

Mentally preparing for the swim moments before I begin my Ironman journey

Mentally preparing for the swim moments before I begin my Ironman journey

A little over 3 months ago, giddy with anticipation, I stood on the lake shore waiting to enter the water and start my race at Ironman Coeur d’Alene. Years of training and preparation all came together on this hot June morning. I couldn’t wait to begin.  

In approximately 16 hours, I hoped to be crossing the finish line on Sherman Avenue and hear words I had rehearsed in my head over and over again. Stephen Robinson, You Are an Ironman! Would I cry when I finished? Would I be able to walk? I had replayed the moment repeatedly in my head with a different ending every time. Little did I know in that moment, this would not turn out to be the day.

People ask what my strongest leg of a triathlon is, and I give an answer that isn’t much of an answer, “I would have to say it’s my bike, but I am a strong swimmer, so yes, those two disciplines are my strongest.”  This day was no different. As soon as I settled down in the water, I raced to my personal best time and pace for the 2.4-mile swim.  Coming out of the water, I quickly scanned the crowd to see family and friends cheering me on. It felt surreal to be competing instead of volunteering.  This was really happening! Time to get through transition and hop on my bike for one of the most grueling 112-mile Ironman bike courses in North America.

Heading out of town on the first loop of the bike course

Heading out of town on the first loop of the bike course

Heading out my bike I felt great. I was on my way to becoming an Ironman. Quickly though, the excitement of the race subsided as I headed out of town, and the cheers faded, and the heat on the pavement reminded me, you have a long way to go. I kept reminding myself what many had told me,“ Don’t forget to stay hydrated; if you fall behind, you won’t make it.”

Every day, this is how I approach my personal devotional time. If I don’t stay in God’s Word every day, there could be trouble ahead. My quiet time allows me to be inspired, rejuvenated, and encouraged to approach my day with confidence I have in God’s Word, knowing despite what life throws at me, God will catch me.

Coming into town, I was relieved to see family and friends cheering wildly as I changed and headed out on the run. A friend of mine caught up to me and helped me stay on pace, but I knew something wasn’t right. My core temperature kept rising, and slowly my body was shutting down. By the time my wife found me, I was lying in the grass. I knew my day was done, my dream of becoming an Ironman shattered.

A funny thing happened while I was lying in the grass, waiting for help to arrive. Through my mental fog, I heard a volunteer playing, Lord I Lift Your Name on High on a trombone.  Softly singing the lyrics to myself, I knew in that moment I had given the race everything I had, and even though I was completely exhausted, I chose to praise the Lord. I found comfort in that realization. The time I spent daily in God’s word had made a difference. Reading story after story of Jesus’ followers who suffered worse trials and didn’t stop praising His name prepared me for this disappointing moment.

13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14 NIV)

My friend and mentor reminded me that while I was officially listed “DNF” (Did Not Finish) for Ironman Coeur d’Alene, my dream isn’t over. He reminded me I am in fact, a DNFY (Did Not Finish Yet) Ironman. 

I realize Ironman isn’t everyone’s dream, but whatever your dream, don’t give up! Lean into what the Lord may be trying to tell you through your trials.

I hope you will join me on Thursday as I wrap this up and share what is next in my journey.

Blessings on our journeys of faith and friendship…

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In the Waiting…


When God Uses a Friend…