What Nurtures My Down-in-the-Dumps Soul?
Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
Why are you crying the blues?
Fix my eyes on God—
soon I’ll be praising again.
He puts a smile on my face.
He’s my God. Psalm 42:5 MSG)
January was a down-in-the-dumps sort of month. I don’t care at all for the cold, short, dark days of winter. I love Christmas, but after Epiphany on January 6th my right-brain thoughts fast forward to springtime, even though my logical left brain reminds me winter has only just begun.
One of the questions I have been asking people for a few years is: “What nurtures your soul?” During the past couple of months, as I have tried to prayerfully unpack my theme word for 2024—DISCOVER—this is a question I have also been asking myself.
Early in February, we enjoyed a balmy winter respite. So, on a beautiful Friday evening, Ron and I headed to downtown Coeur d’Alene, the beautiful little North Idaho hamlet we have called home for over 30 years, to enjoy Winter Lights, a new post-Christmas community event.
The evening nurtured my soul!
We leisurely walked over two miles in crisp winter stillness enjoying neighborly camaraderie while viewing a variety of creative light displays. Ron took great photos, and I hope you will enjoy these few—especially if your “dear soul” is feeling down-in-the-dumps.
Blessings on your journey through the remainder of winter!