Perseverance To Waco -Encouragers Help Me Persevere

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead … (Philippians 3:13 NIV).

My biggest encourager, my wife Jamara, who joined me on a run a few weeks ago.

Guest Post by Stephen Robinson

I often tell my girls is, “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.” I hope they hear my heart which is trying to say, “Don’t give up, just because life gets hard!”

     This advice has come back to bite me! When hearing me complain about the training week ahead or moaning about the hours of sleep I will miss to achieve my goal of becoming an Ironman, my daughters often say, “Just remember, Dad, you signed up for this.” Perhaps not the sympathy or encouragement I am looking for at the moment, but I am proud of their response I understand is all in good fun.

I have needed someone to help me stay focused on my goal. Over the past four to six weeks as the hours devoted to training continue to increase and my body keeps getting worn down, it is often my mind that wants to throw in the towel first.

A few weeks ago, I struggled on a Sunday afternoon run. My stomach was upset and running didn’t feel great. I wanted to quit, but my wife, reminded me if this happened during Ironman, I would need to keep going, so I plodded along. Slowly, my walk became a run, and before I knew it, I had “run/walk/ran” 10 miles. Jamara’s encouragement helped me refocus and not give up, even when I really wanted to do so.

During my Ironman journey, I’ve been encouraged by many, such as my identical twin, other family members, loyal friends, my Ironman coaches, and fellow competitors who’ve been there and know the commitment that’s required to cross the finish line. I couldn’t have done it without them! 

     Who is in your corner helping push you to become the best version of yourself? No matter what you are striving for in life, I believe it’s the people encouraging us, believing in, and praying for us who make the difference in achieving our dreams.

Blessings on your journey of perseverance!



Perseverance To Waco - Making Faith a Priority Helps Me Persevere


Perseverance To Waco - WHY Keeps Me Going When Going is Tough