Gift of Family

This past weekend was filled with great joy for me. For the first time in many years, our family gathered at one time in one place. The last entire family photo we took did not include Reeve, our youngest grandson, who wasn’t yet born. Our current visit and photo include the bonus of our oldest granddaughter’s very special guy.

(Front and center:  Reeve; second row, left to right: Jackson, Mackenzie, Emalynn, Sydney, Bryan; back Row, left to right: Ron, me, Brandon, Sarah, Angie, & Jon)

As I look at this photo, my heart overflows with love and gratitude. I have prayed for every person pictured—most before they were even born—which feels quite all right since I believe God knew each one even before I praye

Two prayers for my children and grandchildren came while reading Scripture. The first describes Jesus as a child: Luke 2:52 says, And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. My prayer:

Dear God,

Even as Jesus did, I ask you to help my precious daughter/grandchild to grow strong intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially.

The second prayer was visualized while reading in the book of Job. God and Satan were having a conversation about Job, and Satan asks, Have you not put a hedge around him …?  (Job 1:10)  This prayer grew out of that verse:

Dear God,

Even as you did for Job, will you please build a strong hedge of protection around my daughter/grandchild, protecting her/him from physical, emotional, intellectual, sexual, and spiritual harm?

We know God allowed some pretty bad “stuff” to happen to Job. Because we live in an imperfect world, “stuff” happens, and my daughters, sons-in-law, and grandkids have all experienced pain and distress. Yet, over many years, I have felt deep within my heart ways in which God has answered these two prayers as well as ways in which God has worked or is working “bad stuff” together for eternally good purposes.

Today, I want to celebrate and thank God for the good gift of family!

Blessings to you and all those you love! 


Welcome Autumn


Perseverance to Waco - Persevering Despite Disappointment