Since November is the month our nation celebrates Thanksgiving, I like to dedicate it as a special time to emphasize gratitude.

Positive psychology research reveals many benefits of gratitude. People who practice gratitude experience:

  • stronger relationships

  • greater empathy

  • more joyful experiences

  • better physical health

  • fewer toxic emotions such as anger, unforgiveness, worry, and envy

  • resilience to bounce back from difficult life experiences

  • heightened sense of self worth

During a recent outing, Ron captured a great photo of the Springston Bridge near Harrison, Idaho. As I looked at this beautiful autumnal scene, I thought to myself, “Gratitude is like a bridge that takes us from places that are sad, lonely, or resentful to locations filled with joy, meaning, and love.

So, on this first Listening on the Journey … post during November, I am GRATEFUL for the Bridge of Gratitude. How about you? For what are you grateful? I would love to hear.

Blessings to each reader. I am grateful for you!




Saying Goodbye to October