NOVEMBER GRATITUDE: When Perseverance Pays Off
Guest Post: Stephen Robinson
Today’s post is a celebration of perseverance and an expression of my deep gratitude to those who helped me persevere and accomplish a longtime dream of completing an Ironman competition. Perseverance paid off when I completed Ironman Waco on October 15, 2022.
That Saturday morning, the alarm clock went off at 3:45 a.m. The buzzer didn’t really matter because I had barely slept all night. A mix of excitement and nerves came over me when Jamara dropped me off at the transition area. The Texas morning was dark as I made final preparations before taking the lonely walk to the swim start.
Walking to the swim start before the sun rise in Waco, Texas
I could write a novel about the race, I remember every stroke, every pedal, every step of the 140.6-mile journey. For the sake of brevity, I will share what meant the most to me on that day*:
My twin brother, who is battling cancer, surprised me by showing up the night before the race. Paul’s appearance was not only a shock but added to my excitement. I am so grateful for my brother and best friend!
My three daughters skipped a mission’s trips to the Oregon coast and a marching band competition to cheer on their very grateful dad.
My wife, Jamara, who spent countless weekends alone, waiting for me to come home from training, so we could spend what time we had left, together.
The incredible support of family and friends who encouraged me along the way. I feel profound gratitude for every encouraging text message and prayer.
Perseverance is never without pain. The heat and wind that day made the bike and run brutal. Exhaustion set in big time as I began the run. Even though the sun had finally gone down, I still had 26 miles to go! During the run I heard, “Let’s go Ironman, let’s go!” It was a chant I would hear from my family over and over on that day, and I am grateful for those words I will never forget.
At last, I reached the Waco Suspension bridge. It was my turn to hear words I had waited so long to hear - “From Liberty Lake, Washington, Stephen Robinson – You Are an Ironman!”
The Apostle Paul was at the end of his life when he wrote these moving words to his young friend, Timothy, who was about to step into Paul’s ministry shoes: I’ve run hard right to the finish, believed all the way. All that’s left now is the shouting—God’s applause! (2 Timothy 2:8 MSG).
Paul’s race—so much more vital than any Ironman competition—was over. He had persevered despite countless setbacks, and difficulties. I can only imagine how he felt when he heard something like this: “From Tarsus, Paul, you have finished the race. Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Yes, I am grateful to God who equipped me for a grueling competition, and I am also filled with gratitude for many who loved and cared about me every stroke, pedal, and step along the way. I was able to complete an athletic competition and accomplish a dream. Many lessons were learned along the way that I know will equip me for whatever challenges might lie ahead.
Stephen Robinson
Paul and I at the swim start
My family (Paul, Anaya, Laney, Kiana, me, Jamara) at the finish line
My wife and I soaking up this moment together.