Tribute to Moms: Grit, Grace and Glee

If you are a Mom, you are a Superhero, Period!  ` Rosie Pope

If you are a Mom, you are a Superhero, Period! 

` Rosie Pope

Today, I’m continuing with another post-Mother’s Day tribute.

Monday, I paid tribute to women who choose to grow old with dignity, grace, and a sense of humor.

The aging process can be challenging. Skin wrinkles. Body parts sag. Joints ache. Bones become more fragile and brittle.

Hey, if we’re going to age well, it seems we will need dignity to keep holding our heads high; grace to prevent us from becoming whiny and complaining; and a good ability to laugh at what’s happening!

Every season of life presents challenges. While growing older calls for certain qualities, the years preceding that require a different set of strengths.

In my last post, I told you about a lady I sat beside at a Mother’s Day Brunch. Carole permitted me to share the story of her remarkable mom who lived with incredible dignity, grace, and humor until the age of 104. (link to Monday’s post)

Also seated at our table were three other women. Two were moms of school aged children.

One was mother to teenage boys whom she home-schooled.  Her husband’s job forced the family to relocate often, and home-schooling provided flexibility to create family adventures in the process.

My daughter, Sarah, was the other. Sarah is mama to two spirited and active kiddos, ages 5 and 10. She also is a public-school teacher who has worked full time her entire married life.

Women during this season of life may benefit from a mission statement such as this:

I will navigate this season of life with a whole lot of grit, grace, and gleefulness!

     The season of raising children, plus building a stable home and perhaps career is challenging.  Work demands. Husband’s and children’s needs compete. Family budgets trouble. Sleepless becomes the new normal.

Yeah, if we’re going to emerge from this season unscathed, we need a whole lot of grit to help us persevere; grace to recognize the good gift in each day; and glee to laugh often despite mounds of laundry, work/life balance, 3-year-old tantrums, and self-centered teens! 

Today, I raise my glass and propose a tribute to all those women who struggle to juggle life’s demands physically, relationally, financially, and spiritually. Your efforts matter! Your commitments make a difference.

I am cheering you on during this invaluable time of your journey…


Tribute to Moms: Meaning, Grace, and Joy


Tribute to Moms: Dignity, Grace, and Humor….