Growing Old(er) With My Best Friend

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be ...”

~ Robert Browning

Yesterday, September 22nd, marked the day my favorite man in the world was born. During this month when I have been focusing on surrendering to love, I offer these words to celebrate the love God privileges me to experience as Ron’s wife.

Some 2000 years ago, the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to early followers of Jesus, instructing:

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her … (Ephesians 5:25 ESV)

Now, I don’t want to give the impression I snagged a perfect guy. He’s an imperfect man who asked a very imperfect woman to “do” life with him more than 45 years ago. Our marriage has been marked by “ups and downs,” “highs and lows,” and mostly “mundane in-betweens.”

On more than one occasion, however, Ron has illustrated what Paul advised husbands to do. I have felt the love of Jesus in his actions. Even though he’s practical rather than “romantic,” Ron’s steadfast kindness, care, and concern for me as the wife he chose, and values, reflects ways in which I imagine Jesus loves.

Plus, he makes me laugh. Several years ago, I initiated a serious conversation. “Ron,” I said, “you’re almost a perfect husband in so many ways, but it would be nice if you were a bit more spontaneous sometimes.” Without missing a beat nor cracking a smile, my husband’s responded, “Let me know when you want me to be spontaneous, and I’ll put it on my calendar!” So, for a while, I did just that, and hey, he tried!

Recently, I’ve focused on surrendering to God’s love. Before one can surrender to love—Divine or human—we must feel safe. During my years of counseling, I encountered many women trapped in abusive, unloving, and unsafe marriages. Saddest of all to me was when the abusing husband professed to be a Christ follower. I can gratefully say I have never felt “unsafe” with my husband, and that makes it much easier to surrender with a heart of respectful love.

So, Happy Birthday, Ron! I love you and our journey of growing older together!

            Suz (my husband’s special nickname for me)


Transformation and Love


All Things Working Together for Good