I Will Pray for You…

Sleep hygiene experts advise against using electronic devices when you have trouble sleeping. I try to follow the experts, but the other night sleep eluded me, and at 2:30 a.m., I was scrolling through Facebook and Instagram posts.

      I’m glad I ignored the experts! In doing so, I read a story I may not have read under normal circumstances.

      A young mom’s poignant post reflected on her trauma following the birth of a perfect baby girl. All seemed normal at first, but soon after delivery, a rare and serious anomaly was discovered. If immediate medical attention and surgery had not been available, the seemingly healthy young mother’s life would have ended.

      The concluding paragraph of this woman’s lengthy post gripped my soul.

“[Jesus] went before us with providence on our behalf. He answered prayers we didn’t even know we needed to pray. I don’t take lightly the statement, ‘I’ll be praying for you’ any longer … Because I am LIVING proof that God answers those prayers, as simple as they seem …”[i]

      I am often asked to pray for someone. Even though I do not consider myself a “prayer warrior,” I always pray when asked to do so. Other times, I feel compelled to intercede (stand in the gap) on behalf of a person I’ve heard or know is hurting physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Often, my intercession is sent heavenward while involved in mundane, everyday activities—chopping a salad, making the bed, taking a shower, typing a blog post, or driving my car.

      The reason this mom’s Facebook post touched me so deeply is because many times, I have questioned the power of such prayers. I’ve wondered, does prayer need to be lengthy and fervent to be effective? Somehow, praying while cutting up veggies feels spiritually anemic!

      The Facebook post of a woman I’ve never met buoyed up my faith. I will no longer question God’s willingness to use even simple petitions to accomplish significant miracles.

      My reader friends, let’s keep praying for one another however and whenever we can!

Blessings on our journey…

[i] Quote used by permission.


Will You Pray for Me…


Lord, Teach Me to Pray…