Lent Focus #1

Whenever we travel, I like Ron to take photos of churches. Photos in today’s post are from Wai’ oli Hui’ia Church in Hanalei, Kawaii, Hawaii.

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which marked the first day of Lent.  This Lent season, I plan to focus on as aspect related to Lent in each Thursday’s Listening on the Journey … blog.

     Lent is a 40-day period—excluding Sundays—leading up to Easter. In 2022, it commenced on March 2nd and will end April 16th. This year I am using a Liturgical Calendar Journal published by Sacred Ordinary Days (https://sacredordinarydays.com). Since the faith tradition I’ve practiced my entire life has been non-liturgical, I appreciate guidance as I learn about and practice traditions of special seasons in the Liturgical Calendar.

“In the season of Lent, we enter into the forty-day fast that Jesus undertook in the wilderness. Through this dedicated period of self-examination, we allow God to further shape us into the image of Jesus.…

The season begins with Ash Wednesday … reminded we are but dust and to dust we shall return. During this season, we observe chosen forms of fasting, prayer, and service ….”[i]

     Last Sunday Lake City Church in Coeur d’Alene, which is my home church, made available a wonderful Lent calendar in which ideas were given for daily Lenten practices. They were all in line with the three major themes of Lent: Fasting, Prayer, and Service or Almsgiving, which is a historical religious word for giving to those who are less fortunate.


     When I was growing up, I remember my Catholic friends telling me what they were giving up for Lent. Even though I doubt most understood, these children were learning the principle of fasting. I have chosen two different behaviors to abstain from during this Lenten season. In addition, I will fast from food a minimum of two different days as well as some specific meals, using these times for extra prayer, Scripture reading, and self-examination.


I plan to be more intentional about prayer during this season of Lent, setting aside time throughout my day to pray. I will continue my practice of morning and evening prayer and plan to set a phone alarm to remind me to pray two additional times each day, even if the prayer is simply saying the “Our Father.”


I have made a list of some notes of encouragement I’ll send or calls I’ll make during Lent. One day, I plan to clean out my closet and cupboards and donate forty different items to a local charity I know helps those in need. Generally, I get receipts when I donate and use these for tax purposes, but during Lent, I plan to donate items without asking anything in return.

I would love to hear from you about ways in which you use the season of Lent to “allow God to further shape [you] into the image of Jesus.”

Blessings on you during this sacred season,

[1] Sacred Ordinary Days Liturgical Calendar Journal


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