Lesson Learned on a ‘Friday with Emmi’

To whom will [the LORD] teach knowledge and to whom will he explain the message? Those who are weaned from the milk, those taken from the breast? For it is precept upon precept…line upon line…here a little, there a little.                                                                            Isaiah 28:9 & 10 (ESV)


For the first few years of her life, I watched my granddaughter, Emalynn Grace, each Friday while her schoolteacher parents wrapped up their work week. I called these, “Fridays with Emmi,” and I cherish memories from those special days.

When I offered to [grand]babysit, I asked God to teach me lessons of faith as I interacted with Emmi on Fridays—to help me understand what Jesus meant when he told his disciples:

 If you don’t change and become like a child, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.  (Matthew 18:3 CEV)

Today’s post was taken from a journal entry I made when Emmi—now pushing her first double-digit birthday—was six months old.

September 16, 2011

Emmi loves to eat!  Her little arms flap excitedly when she’s placed in her highchair. Her mouth opens eagerly—even for a spoonful of gluey rice cereal. 

My beloved grandbaby often hums while devouring pureed squash, applesauce or whatever organic fruit or veggie happens to be on the menu. 

Only a short time ago, Emmi was nourished with only her mommy’s breast milk.  Now, Sarah adds new solid foods every few days.

Her parents understand the importance of introducing new foods slowly, ensuring their daughter is ready to take the next nutritional step. Sometimes her button nose scrunches up or her big blue eyes widen when encountering a new taste or texture, but before too long she is anxious for more. 

Emmi’s repertoire of food will continue to expand. In the next few months, she’ll be weaned from milk.  More solid foods will be introduced, and soon she’ll be picking Cheerios up from the highchair tray. Here a little, there a little, my grandchild’s diet will expand.

Emmi’s eagerness for new foods makes me appreciate the grown-up food my Heavenly Father provides for me in the Bible. My spiritual nutrition must expand so that I will grow in knowledge that leads to wisdom.

Somehow, I imagine God is real pleased when I am anxious to learn more—to taste and digest the goodness of more complicated concepts in His Word. 

Precept upon precept, line upon line, truth upon truth—here a little, there a little.  That’s how I’ll grow up to be a strong, healthy mature woman of faith. 

Blessings on your journey of growing in faith…..



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