Memories of a Weekend with the Grandkids…

Dear Listening on the Journey… Readers,

Thanks again for joining me this Monday morning.

     My next few days will be packed with a lot of preparation for an on-line, three-day, intensive spiritual retreat. These retreats are requirements for the program I am enrolled, which will lead to becoming recognized as a spiritual director trained in accordance with the standards of the Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association.

     A lot has changed since I was in college, and technologically, I often feel like a “stranger in a foreign land,” I am, however, loving the challenge of this rigorous educational and hands-on- program.

     Because most of the cohorts in my group live on the other side of the country, meetings are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time, which for this PDT Zone lady means my days will start at 4:45 a.m. Even though I consider myself a morning person, I confess that’s a bit early!

      Today, in the interest of time, I am going to do something I try not to do very often. I am going to show you recent photos and brag on my grandkids. Ron and I watched our two youngest, Emalynn and Reeve, over the weekend while their mom and dad attended a conference.

      Weekends with Emmi and Reeve always include a Saturday morning breakfast of bacon and Mickey Mouse pancakes, which they decorate with strawberries, chocolate chips, and ‘squirt’ whipping cream. Weather permitting, we take walks (This time after dark with headlamps!) and trips to the park. Of course, Grandpa Ron always has his camera close at hand! 

     I hope you’ll enjoy these photos—all taken at McEuen Park in downtown Coeur d’Alene—with brief thoughts accompanying each.


In just a few days, our Emmi will be a double-digit kid. I’m imagining this joyful jump represents the joy this precious girl has brought to her grandparents these past ten years! God’s good gifts bring joy, and that joy helps give needed strength.

The joy of the LORD is our strength!   Nehemiah 8:10


When I saw this picture of Reeve, squinting on a bright spring day, I thought of a little song we used to sing in Sunday School.

Heavenly sunshine…

Jesus is mine!

A sunshiny, springtime day, when Easter is just around the corner, seems a perfect time to think about Jesus! 

Emmi with statues.jpg

The Bible doesn’t say a whole lot about Jesus as a child, but I have always loved this verse and have often made it my prayer for my children and grandchildren:   

Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.

(Luke 2:52 NLT)

My Prayer

Dear Lord,

Even as Jesus grew, please enable my [son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter] grow strong physically and intellectually. May he/she be spiritually sensitive and find favor with you as well as socially with those people he/she interacts.


Reeve looking over a rock.jpg

For what will you search, my precious grandson, Reeve? 

Wise words from Proverbs (2:1-4 NLT) are ones I hope and pray each of my grandchildren might heed:   

My child, listen to what I say,
    and treasure my commands.

 Tune your ears to wisdom,
    and concentrate on understanding.
Cry out for insight,
    and ask for understanding.

Search for them as you would for silver;
    seek them like hidden treasures.


A grandchild is a gift from above,

One to cherish,

And to love.

~Author Unknown 

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.

                                                Proverbs 17:6

Blessings on Your Journey…



Beauty of Becoming….Lenten Thanks


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