Monday Morning Meditation Encourage One Another 06/03/2024


So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.  Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.                                                             Philippians 2:1-4 (ESV)


ENCOURAGE is one of my favorite words. It literally means to give courage, hope, or confidence to someone else.

A few days ago, an encouragement-encounter blessed and instructed me.

A friend who lives in California is going through an exceedingly difficult time and asked me to pray for her, which I have done daily.

One early morning around 1:00 a.m. I awoke, thinking about this woman as well as some verses from a Psalm. I assumed the Spirit awakened me to pray these verses for her, and I did so.

Later that morning—at a more respectable hour--I felt prompted to send her an encouraging text and let her know I believe God woke me in the middle of the night to pray specifically for her. She responded quickly, “You have no idea how meaningful this is. I had a very, very hard day yesterday, and your message is concrete proof of God’s care and attention to me.” A little later, she texted again to tell me she heard from another friend who felt directed to pray the same Psalms scripture.

This encounter of prayerful encouragement warms my soul. My message encouraged my friend. Her heartfelt response encouraged me. Yet another person’s confirmation encouraged both of us.

Sometimes I question whether what I feel is God’s prompting or just my over-active imagination. Other times, I wonder whether I should share what I think I heard God say or if in sharing, I may come across as boastful or “holier-than-thou.” I believe these are both healthy questions to ponder since sometimes in our spiritual zeal, we can make unwise decisions.

In this current situation, reaching out proved to be wise and beneficial because it led both my friend and me to greater awareness of our infinite God’s care and concern.  We both desire deeply to develop a more intimate relationship with God the Father, Son, and Spirit and to grow in learning how to accurately discern the divine voice. Reassurances like this one help us grow, learn, and become more like Jesus.

In this situation, I believe we did as the Apostle Paul instructed the developing congregation in Thessalonica to “encourage … and build one another up.”



You know both my desire and my insecurity as I grow in my journey of learning to listen to your voice and stepping into your will.

Thank you for your patience as I stumble and fumble along the way!

Give me wisdom in my ongoing desire to keep pointing others to You, the never-changing God, who so willingly meets us in our always-changing worlds!


Reflection Question(s):

Who has God brought into your life to encourage you? (Personal Note: Today, June 3rd, is my birthday, and thinking through this question has been a powerful reminder of the value of encouragement!)

In what ways is God using you to encourage others to grow in their faith journey?

How can you hone your ability to discern what new or different steps God is calling you to consider?

Blessings on your meditations this Monday!


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