Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation Encouragement 07/01/2024

A pod of pelicans living in harmony with one another. Photo taken by Ron Reeve in June 2024, while on photo exploration at the Chain Lakes in North Idaho.


May God who gives patience, steadiness, and encouragement help you to live in complete harmony with each other—each with the attitude of Christ toward the other.

Romans 15:5 (TLB)



Encouragement is essential to me. I try to encourage others, and often, I need encouragement to keep putting one foot of faith in front of another.

One of my favorite Bible characters is a somewhat obscure New Testament fellow named Barnabas. Acts 4:36 explains Barnabas means “Son of Encouragement.” This bit of biblical trivia so impacted me that I once told my husband, “I think I’ll change my name to Barnabette.” Then, added, “How cool would it be to be known as Daughter of Encouragement.” Ron simply cocked his eyebrow, gave me a sidelong glance and said, “I don’t think so, Sue.” Thus, that fantasy bubble burst!

Seriously, what an amazing nickname. Barnabas was a leader in The Way, a newly formed religious sect of men and women dedicated to following Jesus, who declared he was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Later, Jesus’ disciples and other followers would become known as “Christians.”

Two thousand years later, “The Way” continues with a wide variety of expressions, but one thing remains essential. Those who are followers of Jesus still need sons and daughters of encouragement. Sons of encouragement who build us up with compassion and kindness. Daughters of encouragement who communicate truth and hope with humility, integrity, and grace. Sons and daughters of encouragement who help one another remain faithful to Jesus’ teachings and his Spirit of love.

The other day, I was encouraged in a surprising, unlikely way by a woman who probably had no clue she was being used as a “Barnabette” to me!

It was Friday morning, and due to a variety of factors, I was feeling discouraged. I didn’t feel like leaving home but knew I needed to run several errands. My first stop was depositing checks, which had been accumulating, at the bank’s drive-through. Mine was the only car there. The checks were all endorsed, and I sent them through the pneumatic tube to the teller, a friendly, efficient woman.

When the transaction was completed, she asked, “Didn’t you speak at the Lake City Women’s Retreat last fall?” I confirmed that yes, I had introduced some contemplative exercises. “Was anything helpful to you?” I asked. The sweet woman’s response was just the encouragement I imagine God knew my soul needed.

She explained that since the retreat, each morning, she uses one of the meditation practices I introduced as well as another spiritual practice she picked up from probably another son or daughter of encouragement. Incorporating these, she said, had helped change the trajectory of her workdays.

This woman’s willingness to acknowledge my contribution to her faith journey dispensed just the right dose of encouragement. Our brief exchange provided a nudge I needed to help me move out of a season of discouragement. How I thank God for this brief, encouraging encounter.

I asked the lady her name and then promptly forgot it. I also gave her my website address in case she was interested in following the Listening on the Journey … blog. In case she chose to follow through and is reading this post, I want to say, “Thank you so much, and many blessings on your journey with Jesus!” 



Please show me how to become a more effective Daughter of Encouragement.

To grasp opportunities to help others who are going through rough times;

To build people up with compassion and kindness;

To communicate truth and hope humbly, honestly, and graciously;

To remain faithful, teaching the ways of Jesus with the same Spirit of love he illustrated.


Reflection Question(s):

Who has been a Son or Daughter of Encouragement in your faith journey?

What did they do, and in what ways did that help you?

How can you become more intentional in encouraging others?

Blessings on your meditations this Monday!


Happy Independence Day!


Discovery Running a Good Race – Part 1 June 27, 2024