Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation Encouragement 07/08/2024

Where the rubber of my faith meets the road of life, what are some practical ways to encourage others?


If you preach, just preach God’s Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don’t take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don’t get bossy; if you’re put in charge, don’t manipulate; if you’re called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don’t let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face. Romans 12:6-8 (MSG).


Encouragement helps people grow into their God designs and persevere when the going gets tough, and as we all know, life can deal some brutal blows.

Each of us is designed differently. We have different body compositions, family histories, and skin tones. We possess a variety of personality characteristics and preferences, strengths and vulnerabilities, deficiencies and talents.

We all know how differently people respond politically! Even spiritually, our souls resonate with different styles of worship, spiritual practices, as well as areas of ministry to which we are drawn.

I desire a practical approach to my journey as one who believes in and follows Jesus. Oftentimes, I ask myself, “Okay, Sue, how is the rubber of your faith meeting the road of your life?”

Romans 12 is one of the most practical chapters in Scripture for describing how to live out unique faith as Christ-followers. I appreciate the way it is translated in modern language in The Message (today’s Meditation Scripture).

Recently, as I’ve been spending more time than usual considering encouragement, I’ve identified actions illustrating practical ways to encourage others. Here are a few.

  • Service: A friend of mine is gifted with healthy energy as well as great organizational skills. When a mutual friend was in a position where she was forced to move quickly from her home, “K” rose to the occasion and encouraged by working tirelessly to help ease the burden.

  • Prayer:  Another friend texted to say she ran across an old prayer list she used to pray for our daughter’s future marriage. I smiled, thanked “J,” and told her a couple ways she could pray today for Sarah, now married 17 years with 13 and 8-year-old kids, multiple family demands, as well as juggling career responsibilities. “J,” who is restricted these days because of health challenges, wrote back, “I remember doing all those things once. I have physical limits now, but I can pray!” What encouragement!

  • Exhortation:  According to, exhort is defined as strongly urging someone to “push forward.” A recent emotional/spiritual conundrum kept nagging my soul. When I discussed it with my spiritual director, she modeled what Paul advised: “If you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don’t get bossy.” My spiritual director brought clarity to what I already believe is true. She urged me to keep making that journey from “belief” to “trust,” all the while refraining from telling me what I “should” think or do.

  • Cheerleading:  Finally, a fun and practical way to encourage! Our 8-year-old grandson, Reeve, loves basketball. When Reeve played in Spokane at Hoopfest, an event billed as the “largest 3on3 outdoor basketball tournament on Earth,” you better believe G’Pa and G’Ma were there (along with a quarter million other folks) to encourage and cheer for Reeve and his team.



Thank you for the variety of gifts you give, all reflecting your good character.

Thank you for sending encouragers into my life.

Please, bless them big!

Show me how to encourage and exhort others wisely and graciously.


Reflection Question(s):

What are some practical ways others have encouraged you in your faith journey?

Where the “rubber of your faith meets the road of your life,” how can you be more intentional to encourage others?

Blessings on your meditations this Monday!

Family and friends cheering on Reeve! Our daughter Sarah has been an “elite” Hoopfest Operating Committee volunteer in charge of scoring for many years. Reeve’s dad, Brandon, sister, Emmi, and family friend, Sophie, also volunteered many hours to help make this event great.

Lots of people gathered in beautiful Riverfront Park to watch the elite players.


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