Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation




But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26 (NIV)


Yesterday, May 19, was Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost occurs on the 50th day following Easter when the resurrection of Jesus occurred.

It was on Pentecost Sunday that 120 disciples were doing what they had been told by Jesus to do. They were waiting for the Holy Spirit to arrive.

Shortly before his death, Jesus prepared his followers for the arrival of the Spirit (See John 14). Jesus told his disciples he would be leaving soon but promised they would be given the “Spirit of Truth.”

Following Easter, the resurrected Christ remained on earth for 40 days, appearing to his disciples several times. During one encounter, Jesus instructed his disciples that after he ascended into Heaven, they were to wait in Jerusalem for the arrival of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:4-5)

His final words as recorded in Acts, before being taken up into heaven were, “And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.” Acts 1:8

There’s something quite vulnerable and unnerving about waiting. The unknown. The imagining. The speculation. Waiting is especially tense during times of high stress, and Jesus’ friends had certainly been stressed to the max those weeks leading up to Pentecost Sunday.

Indeed, the Holy Spirit arrived in a most dramatic way. As a result of the Spirit’s power, followers of Jesus increased exponentially. With growth came persecution. With persecution came dispersion, and as believers scattered because of danger, early disciples became Jesus’ witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout the known world. (See the entire book of Acts.)

The arrival of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost marked the beginning of what would become known as the Christian Church. Almost 2000 years have passed.  As culture and the world have changed, so has the Church undergone many transitions. Yet, it remains.

Last year, my husband and I were in Italy on Pentecost Sunday. The experience of visiting numerous churches and viewing countless pieces of art depicting aspects of Christianity was profoundly impactful.

One encounter occurred while at Vatican City. Our tour guide talked about 266 popes who have served since St. Peter, who was one of Jesus’ original disciples and considered the first pope. She explained some popes were good, honest leaders. Others were ineffective, while others were downright corrupt.

As the guide spoke, I felt dissonance in my spirit, silently praying, “God, I just didn’t get it.”  Immediately, an interior voice quieted my confused human spirit assuring, “The Church has always been God’s idea, and God will never abandon the Church.”

So, this grandma living in North Idaho, USA, pondered a question on Pentecost Sunday 2024.

Could it be the same God, whom Jesus referred to as “The Father,” continues to send the same Holy Spirit, whom Jesus  called “The Advocate” to a disparate, sometimes confused, occasionally dysfunctional, often stressed-out bunch of believers called the Church, reminding us of everything Jesus said? The answer I sense is a resounding “YES!”

(About the photo in today’s post. It was taken by Ron when we visited Vatican City in May 2023. The beautiful window, constructed in the 17th century, is made from pieces of alabaster, and encompasses the “Throne of St. Peter,” which takes up the entire space in the front of St. Peter’s Basilica. Entitled “Dove of the Holy Spirit,” the dove alone from wingtip-to-wingtip measures six feet. It is an amazing work of art.)



God:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

Thank you for remaining the same yesterday, today, and for always.

Thank you for the completeness of your being, plan, and purpose for your Church.

Open my soul to being taught by “The Spirit of Truth” who reminds me of all Jesus said.


Reflection Question(s):

In what ways is the Holy Spirit speaking to your soul?

Blessings on your meditations this Monday!


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