Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation




Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.
 (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)


When I asked readers to share the word they believed God gave them for a focus during 2024, the number one response was TRUST. The most common scripture used was Proverbs 3:5-6, a passage which I find is a whole lot easier to memorize and believe than it is to TRUST!

On March 7th, Stephen Robinson, my friend, and trusted web manager, wrote a wonderful guest blog post about how as a dad of young adult daughters he is learning to TRUST his heavenly Father more completely. In addition to that post, Stephen included an acrostic he is developing to help him grow in TRUST. I believe you will be blessed as you consider this tool for your own personal spiritual growth in learning to TRUST God with all your heart, understanding, and submission.  

T – Thanksgiving, for God’s provision and favor.

R – Repentance for a restless heart and anxious mind that don’t always want to remain patient while waiting.

U – Understanding God’s will and plans grow when I spend intentional time meditating on Him through prayer and Scripture.

S – Sabbath, remembering my soul benefits from Sabbath rest.

T – Truth. Believing God’s promises, ways, and timing are true and trustworthy.



When I remember the many ways in which you have been faithful to me in the past

I realize that YES, I CAN TRUST you.

I confess, too often I forget, become entangled in present day anxieties, and

Lose sight of your trustworthy character.

Help me!

Please keep showing me how to TRUST in you more completely.

Thank you for your kindness, grace, mercy, and patience!


Reflection Question(s):


In what ways does Stephen’s TRUST acrostic resonate with you? How could you adapt it to make it more your own?

Blessings on your meditations this Monday!




Dad’s TRUST Grows as TRUST in His Heavenly Father Grows