November Gratitude: “Thank You, Lord, for Enough!”
Seems as if much of my life I have wanted something different.
Although my satisfaction quotient has increased over the years, I still find at times, I have a restlessness within my soul that longs for more—perhaps a possession, an experience, greater knowledge, or an accomplishment that feels significant.
As people who are followers of Jesus, perhaps some of our discontent is to be expected. I recall the words of the Apostle Peter to people in the early Christian church.
“Friends, this world is not your home, so don’t make yourselves cozy in it. Don’t indulge your ego at the expense of your soul.” (2 Peter 9:11 MSG)
So, on this November day, I will choose gratitude over discontentment, thanksgiving over self-indulgence. I will be grateful to God
for what is right now,
for the abundance of what I have today, and
for the “okayness” of who I am at this moment.
I’ll incorporate this breath prayer throughout the day.
Inhale: “I’m enough.”
Exhale: “God you’re more!”
Blessings on our days of gratitude for enough!