Peer and Ponder…
The sun rises over the Atlantic-Daytona Beach, Florida, December 2020.
Happy New Year!
Today is the first post in this new year. Thank you for taking time each Monday and Thursday to read my Listening on the Journey… blog.
As we travel through life, I believe looking through the front window is generally the best way to navigate most of our journey.
Pausing periodically to look in the rearview mirror to ponder the past, however, is a worthwhile exercise.
The past few days, I’ve been trying to do a bit of both.
The word “consider” is used more than 100 times in Scripture.
I believe it’s time well spent when I consider prayerfully past problems as well as future possibilities.
It’s valuable to consider how lessons learned—even those which were unpleasant or difficult—have benefited my growth. That assessment often provides courage needed to lean into lessons I’d like to or recognize I need to learn in the future.
As I peer into the past, I also like to consider how my BELIEF has transitioned into TRUST. Here’s one way I measure that transition:
When I consider God’s Word—as written in Scripture—or God’s character, or even more perplexing God’s timing or methodology, what do I find myself saying?
“Well, YES, I believe that, BUT…”
rather than praying,
“Wow! YES, AND [what’s the next step you want me to take, God?”]
The journey from BELIEF to TRUST is one I will be attempting to unpack in future posts.
In the meantime, I pray the next 361 days will be filled with immeasurably more than you could ask for or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).