Remembering Two Extraordinary Women

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I gravitate toward beauty, pomp, tradition, history, and almost all things British! So, naturally, I loved watching the recent events and commentaries related to Queen Elizabeth following her death on September 8th.

My mother often spoke affectionately about the queen. Mom was proud of the fact they were born a month apart in 1926—Mom, March 22nd and Elizabeth, April 21st. The queen outlived my mother by approximately two years. Mom died in September 2020, at age 94, and the queen this September at 96.

In most notable ways, my mother’s life differed greatly from the British Empire’s longest reigning Monarch. Mom’s early years were lived in poverty. In contrast, Elizabeth enjoyed extraordinary prosperity. My mother was a stay-at-home mom. Queen Elizabeth was a renowned woman who met with world leaders. Only 30 close family members were allowed to attend my mother’s funeral because of Covid restrictions. Thousands paid homage to the Queen, and hundreds, including many dignitaries, attended her multiple funeral services.

Despite significant differences, in addition to sharing the same year of birth and long lives, Mom and the queen had other similarities. Both had sparkly blue eyes, radiant smiles, married men who fought for the Allies during World War II, and each gave birth to four children.

I thought about Mom often as I watched news broadcasts following the Queen’s death. Both women remained committed deeply to their marriages. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were married 70 years. Dad died five months before my parents’ 60th anniversary. Both moms loved and accepted their children and delighted in their grandchildren—Mom ‘s ten and Queen Elizabeth’s eight.

The most significant similarity to me was their enduring Christian faith. Whenever I discussed a difficult situation with my mom, I could always count on hearing her saying, “Susie, just keep your eyes on Jesus and trust him.” In a speech the Queen made in 2000, she said, “For me the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life. I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from Christ’s words and example.” 1

Whenever I’m reminded about the inevitability of death, my thoughts turn to Heaven. I have no doubts about eternal life, but I admit to having more questions than answers. (Considering the immense popularity of Mercy Me’s song, “I Can Only Imagine,” I guess there are a lot of folks like me.)

Of this I am certain. Heaven is good because God is in Heaven, and God is good! I also feel assured that if Mom meets Queen Elizabeth II in their celestial home, rather than curtsying in deference, both will instead bow before God, and in awe, say, “Holy, Holy, Holy!” Both will be welcomed by Jesus. They will understand in a never-imagined way the significance of their earthly belief in and devotion to him, and Jesus will assure them he heard every single word they had ever prayed.

I am grateful for world leaders who like Queen Elizabeth II, reign with dignity, graciousness, humility, and deep faith. I am also oh, so grateful for a mother who served her family and community well and ALWAYS pointed me to Jesus!

Blessings on your journey of living with dignity, graciousness, humility, and faith!


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Welcome Autumn