Sometimes the Soul Needs to Take a Rest


When he wrote Psalm 62, King David was suffering the deep heartache of betrayal. I love the way David speaks to his battered soul, reminding it the rest he needs will be found in God. 

For several months, I have been feeling the need for soul rest. Unlike David, my soul is not battered, but simply a bit worn out. The past few months have been filled with loss, grief, and many unexpected stressors, all of which tend to be soul draining. 

Sometimes, the soul needs to take a rest!

In recent posts, I revealed my three themes for 2021:  Harmony, Learning the unforced rhythms of grace, and Resonance.  Although not intentional, I realized each has a musical connection. In thinking about this, I realized even musical compositions need rests. Like this quarter note rest I remember from my piano lesson days.

Musical rests can be defined as an interval of silence for a specified duration of time.                

musical rest.png

A few weeks ago, I decided on an “interval of silence for a specified duration”— the months of July and August.

The timing for this rest is interesting since July 1, 2021, marks five years since I began posting twice weekly on the Listening on the Journey… blog.

     Today, I want to announce you won’t be receiving the bi-weekly blog posts again until Monday, September 6th when I intend to resume—If the good Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise.[1]

     During July and August, I am planning on personal soul care activities as well as some organizational projects, both of which bring me a sense of peace. Also, Ron and I are excited to take our 10-year-old granddaughter, Emmi, on a G’Pa/G’Ma summertime adventure to New York City and Washington, D.C.

     These next two months, rather than a calendar reminder for the blog, I am making a calendar reminder to pray for each of you on Mondays and Thursdays.

As always, blessings on your journey—especially a summer filled with much love, laughter, learning, and your own special soul care.

Blessings of your journey…


Labor Day Reflection…& Welcome Back!


Running a Good Race…