Goodbye Merci

Friday, August 2nd was a sad day for Ron and me. We said “goodbye” to our little Shih Tzu early on that morning.

Her name was Merci, which in French means “Thanks.” Most everyone, though, did not use the French pronunciation but instead called her “Mercy.”

A few years ago, Ron and I started discussing whether we wanted to get a dog. I had two criteria. The dog must be on the small side, and I didn’t have enough energy to train a puppy. Around that same time, a friend posted on Facebook that she needed to part with one of their three dogs.  After discussing with Ron, we went to Cindy’s and Don’s house to see if their “middle furry child” would be a good fit for us.

I warmly recall the minute Ron and Merci met. It was love at first sight. The little 12-pound dog immediately nuzzled into my 6’4” husband’s neck, and from then on, she was first and foremost Ron’s buddy. 

When I started doing spiritual direction in my home office, Merci didn’t want to be left out, so I purchased a little bed for the office. After she greeted and was acknowledged by my “soul friend,” I directed Merci to her bed where she [generally] remained throughout the session. I decided she must have a contemplative doggy spirit!

We have many sweet memories of our years with Merci, and watching her decline was difficult. Lots of discussions were had and multiple pros and cons weighed concerning her waning health. The choice to bid “adieu” (French for goodbye) was heart wrenching. At times we were convinced it was correct. Then, she would act momentarily like a puppy, and we’d wonder whether we should cancel the vet appointment or feel guilty about our decision.

This afternoon, Ron removed the doggy gates, and I laundered little beds, her favorite blankets, and toys. Part of grieving, after all, is moving on. Even though her “doggy dementia” created some very annoying behaviors, we’ll miss her too-frequent scratching at the doors, wandering around noisily during the night, and demanding food even though she’d just eaten.

Pets are one of God’s best gifts, and in conclusion, I would like to say:

“Dear God,

Merci for the special gift of Mercy!”


            Sue Reeve



Blessings on your Journey this Monday!


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