Sue’s Monday Morning Meditations Symmetry July 22, 2024


For in him we live, and move, and have our being …

Acts 17:28 (KJV) 


As a person who is fascinated by words and the power they possess, oftentimes, a particular word begins to roll around in my thoughts for no apparent reason.

Such was the case several weeks ago when the word SYMMETRY took root. Since then, I’ve done Google searches about the meaning of symmetry and explored the significance of the word as it relates relationally and in spiritual formation and transformation.

In mathematical terms, symmetry is defined as a balanced and proportionate similarity between the two halves of an object. For example, one of my favorite fruits is grapefruit.  My preferred way to eat this tangy, spherical treat is to cut it in half, excise each segment with a little grapefruit knife my mom gave me years ago and eat one symmetrical half at a time.

Symmetry can also be found in relational and spiritual matters. My favorite definition to describe this type of symmetry was by Merriam-Webster: beauty of form arising from balanced proportions. 

While contemplating this word, I looked at photos my husband took at our granddaughter Emalynn’s dance recital in June. When I saw this beautiful photo of Emmi and her friend Lillith, the first thought that came to mind was SYMMETRY. The two girls, who have been dancing together for several years, are not identical. Their heights differ as do their facial features, hair styles, skin tones, and there are even subtle differences in the shades of their costumes. What I see, however, when I look at this photo is “beauty of form arising from balanced proportions.”

Related to Christian spiritual formation, my fascination with the process of becoming transformed into a more accurate reflection of Jesus keeps growing. Over many years as a Christ follower, I have observed transformation seems to transcend doctrinal positions and faith traditions. Regarding the matter of transformation, Evan B. Howard, in his book The Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality, writes:

 “In terms of theology  this means that to explore the dynamics of Christian transformation is to enter into the minefield of theological debates concerning the relationship between the roles of God and human …[however] there is virtually no Christian community that emphasizes the work of God to the complete denial of human activity in the sanctifying life of the believer. And, conversely, there is no Christian community that emphasizes the work of the human to the denial of God’s gracious initiation in some form.”

When I read this passage, I highlighted, starred, and in the margins wrote “SYMMETRY.” If I am to become transformed more and more into the character of Jesus, this will only happen as the Spirit of God intervenes and enables in conjunction with my cooperation to listen and my willingness to say “yes” to the Divine voice. As well as this process being beautiful and wonderfully balanced, I embrace the reality that it is also quite mysterious.

Discussing symmetry with my husband as it relates to the photo he took of Emmi and Lillith, Ron reminded me this pose didn’t occur without a lot of work. These young women needed to accept guidance from their dance instructors, and they often made mistakes during the learning process. At times they probably felt annoyed, and at other times amused with their progress and performance. The important thing is they kept practicing and persevering, and this grace-filled photo was a reward.

Similarly, in my transformation as a follower of Jesus who so desires to become more like this One she pursues. It’s a process (sometimes called “progressive sanctification.”)  I need to listen, learn, and align myself with wise teachers and mentors. Sometimes I will feel annoyed or amused with myself or fellow sojourners. They may feel likewise since we all do not progress in the same way and at the same time. But, perhaps the most important thing is that with grace, mercy, and kindness, we all keep practicing and persevering! 


God, thank you for graciously initiating your work within me.

Jesus, thank you for giving me confidence that you, the “Good Shepherd,” always desires to lead me on to right paths.

Spirit, please show me how to have a more willing heart, a heart that responds with a resounding “yes” every time God invites me into the process of soul transformation.


Reflection Question(s):

How might you operate with greater symmetry in God’s gracious work of transformation?

What is one single action step you can begin today?

Blessings on your meditations this Monday!


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