Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation Transition 07/15/2024


For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,

My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place …

        all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
    How vast is the sum of them!

Psalm 139:13-17 (NIV)


In June, my husband and I celebrated 45 years of marriage. Ron asked me what I’d like for this landmark anniversary, and I said I wanted him to take me to Fiddler on the Roof,  which was going to be performed by the Coeur d’Alene Summer Theater. Ron purchased good tickets, and recently, we enjoyed an excellent performance of a story I cherish.

One of my favorite parts is when Tevya, the Jewish milkman and father of five daughters, in his big baritone voice sings about TRA-DI-TION!

You know how it is when you cannot get a song out of your head? Well, that’s how it’s been for me since seeing Fiddler, only somehow Tevya’s words became altered to TRAN-SI-TION!

Transition is defined as the process of changing from one state into another. Calendars transition; seasons transition; and life for you and for me transitions repeatedly.

My firstborn granddaughter is expecting our first great-grandchild in about three months. This little fella is transitioning each day. David, in my favorite Psalm 139, poetically described this process as being “knit together in my mother’s womb.” As her unborn son develops in utero, my petite granddaughter’s body is also transitioning, and come October, I have no doubt she will be anxious for the next transition!

Throughout his life, our great-grandson will experience all types of changes. Yes, from the moment of conception until the moment each person takes a last earthly breath, transitions occur. Death from this earthly life into eternal life may be the ultimate and most mysterious transition of all.

Now, back to Tevya. While his booming voice repeatedly belted out TRAN-SI-TION in my brain, I listened to an excellent podcast by a favorite spiritual leader, Pete Scazzero. (Podcast - Emotionally Healthy Discipleship).

Scazzero is author of books that have significantly influenced me, including Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: It’s Impossible to be Spiritually Mature, While Remaining Emotionally Immature and the 40-day devotional book, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day.

Scazzero revealed he is in a season of transition, and reminded listeners transition can involve both inner and outer change. Many transitions occur following a season of discerning while a decision is being made to let go and move on. Personal interior transitions may mean moving on from an old image of self, or moving on from a dream, old belief, or familiar, but not beneficial, behavior. Outer transitions include pursuing education, marriage, starting a family, changing careers, adjusting to an “empty nest,” retiring, or relinquishing an unhealthy relationship.

This seasoned pastor and leader likened transition to the winter season, a time when both death and resurrection are occurring. He encouraged those listening to pay close attention to the ending. Embrace the emotional “feels” and grieve whatever has ended. Allow the old to birth the new.  Enjoy the season of waiting and expectancy.

I liked Scazzero’s use of the verb “savor” to describe action during the process. “Savor” (taste and enjoy completely) the season. I found his thought fascinating that savoring is in fact, a type of contemplative practice.

One way to savor a season of transition is to spend time cherishing memories. Recall the joy special moments brought and the lessons difficult experiences taught. Express gratitude to God as well as significant people. Give little tokens of thanksgiving. Write notes of appreciation.

Then, move on gracefully. TRAN-SI-TION! into whatever the new season holds.  


Prayer to The Trinity During a Season of Transition

During this time of change and moving on, I remember:

  Abba Father, you are love.

Jesus, you bring peace.

Spirit, you give wisdom.

Thank you!


Reflection Question(s):

What transitional season are you in currently?

How might thoughts expressed in today’s Meditation help you “savor” this transition?

Blessings on your mediations this Monday!


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