The Spiritual Discipline of “Holy Restraint”

In the last couple posts, I have discussed landing on the word I feel God wants me to focus on during 2023: RECEIVE. I also explained, three other “R” words seemed to resonate at different times during this decision process: Respect, Restraint, and Rejoice. On Thursday, February 2nd, I discussed Respect. Today, I’ll offer brief thoughts about Restraint.

Several months ago, I read an article about the spiritual discipline of self-restraint. The more I thought about this, the more I sensed its importance—not only for our culture at large but for me as well. I know I have no power to control a culture, but I can partner with the Holy Spirit in doing my own soul work, and I began exploring different areas in my life where practicing “holy restraint” would be beneficial.

My thoughts kept returning to a prayer of St. Ignatius of Loyola, which became extremely important to me after doing a pilgrimage to Spain almost five years ago. I realized embracing these ancient words would undoubtedly lead to greater “holy restraint” and decided to make Suscipe my theme prayer for the year.

Suscipe, I remembered after I’d made this decision, is Latin for “Receive.” How cool is that? I thought!

Suscipe is a prayer of great humility, which may be the greatest characteristic of “holy restraint.”


Take, Lord, and RECEIVE all my liberty;

My memory, my understanding, and my entire will.


All I have and call my own. You have given all to me,

To you, Lord, I return it.

Everything is yours;

Do with it what you will.


Give me only your love and your grace,

That is enough for me.


St. Ignatius of Loyola


Blessings on your continued journey through 2023!

            Again, if you have a theme word for this year you’re willing to share, I’d love to hear it.


I Will Choose to Rejoice


Practicing Respect