Visiting a Vibrant Italian City

I’m a “word” person. Often, I search for a “just right” word. This is what I tried to do one day after we returned home from our four-week European adventure.  How, I  challenged myself, would you describe Italy in one word? The word I landed on was VIBRANT, defined as being full of energy and enthusiasm.

            We spent two weeks in Italy, and there was so much I loved about this boot-shaped peninsula nation. In previous posts, I described the five days we spent in Rome and the Vatican. Today, we’ll move on.

From Rome, we boarded a train and traveled to Assisi, a town of approximately 26,000 located in the hill-town region of Umbria. Umbria is the only landlocked region in Italy. In addition to being very hilly, it is a lush, green agricultural area, famous for producing olive oil and wine.

Assisi was our home base for one week because we were able to stay in a time share that is part of a vacation club to which we belong. Today, I’d like to give you a glimpse of some of the vibrancy we experienced while in Assisi.

Vibrant colors were often used in paintings. Shops such as this one lined the steep streets of the hill town, Assisi.

We learned these motorcyclists had been competing in a long-distance race.

Colorful clothing was distinctive. Most items I looked at were made in Italy.

Italians like their meat! Wild boar is often the main ingredient used in salami. I didn’t find shops like this particularly inviting!

I loved the way this monochromatic orange color scheme looked. Entryways of most homes were adorned with colorful flowers and plants.

The inviting entry to Assisi.

Italians are famous for delicious pasta, but there was also an abundance of fresh produce and delicious salads. I did get a bit tired of the only salad dressing option being olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Isn’t the entry to this gallery beautiful?

I hope you have enjoyed a little glimpse of the vibrant city of Assisi, Italy,


Italians – A Vibrant People


God’s Creativity Displayed in the Garden