Remembering What We Never Forget….


A couple weeks ago I completed a coaching course on Spiritual Development Coaching. It was a wonderful learning experience and convinced me coaching and spiritual direction are compatible disciplines—particularly for the person in a season of transition, one who is inviting God to guide and direct changes she or he is contemplating. 

One of our assignments for this course was to develop a timeline in which we were instructed to reflect on events, people or circumstances throughout our lifetime that were significant in our journeys of faith.

Much came to mind as I spent several hours working on this assignment. Two unforgettable people in my journey were women who influenced me to love Jesus when I was a child.

First, was a young woman who taught children’s church when I was around 5 years old. I remember my little-girl anticipation to hear one of Miss Dorothy’s amazing stories and sing songs designed to build a child’s faith. Through the simplicity of those Sunday-morning interactions, I realized Jesus loves me and God is good. This theology remains the bedrock of my faith today.

While I don’t remember many of the specifics, I do remember Miss Dorothy conveyed a genuine love for God and little kids like me.

Next, was a Sunday School teacher I had when in fifth grade. Miss Gertrude was a schoolteacher and very pretty. At ten years of age, I thought that was about as good as it got for any woman!

Again, I don’t remember a particular lesson, but I do recall Miss Gertrude’s warm smile, approving nods, and kind words made me feel special and worthwhile.

In a world filled with criticism, polarization, and unkind rhetoric, I am committed to being a catalyst for conveying God’s memorable love, grace, and acceptance. I am praying for a reformation of love to begin in my heart.

Despite so much anger and turmoil in our current world, my sincere belief is that many are praying likewise. If you are one, I’d love to hear from you.

Blessings on your journeys…


P.S. - I would be honored if you took time to check out my re-designed website at Thanks!


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