Welcoming the King of Glory…


Some scenes—winding pathways, empty benches, and mysterious old doors—are like magnets to my imagination. It came as no surprise to Ron when I asked him to be sure and get a photo of this old door located in the amazing garden of his cousin Tom’s wife, Millie.

As I enjoyed this image, remembering the beauty, as well as the practicality of Millie’s garden, I thought about the psalmist David’s encouragement to consider the ancient doors and allow the King of glory to come in.

David, himself a king with an unabashed love for God and a flare for the dramatic, then asks the rhetorical question, “Who is the King of glory?” (drum-roll, please!)

The Lord, strong and mighty,

the Lord, mighty in battle.

            Does it feel like you are right smack dab in the middle of a battle?

                        A battle of fear?

                                    A battle of loneliness?

                                                A battle of uncertainty?

                                                            A battle of sorrow?

                                                                        A battle of helplessness?

                                                                                    A battle of exasperation? 

            Perhaps a good strategy for winning our battles begins with opening that ‘ancient door’ and welcoming the King of glory—strong and mighty—to come in and help us fight. 

Blessings in the battle…



Prayer: A Divine Conversation…


Countenance – A Word Worth Considering…