Becoming a Sweet Fragrance…


June 3rd, I said, “So long!” to another year. My special day was filled with much that speaks love to my soul including meaningful words and quality time. One sweet prayer sent to me by a friend included this line: May she be a fragrance of Christ to others and a gracious witness to those whose lives she touches.

My friend’s prayer was especially meaningful since prior to my birthday, I told my husband I’d love a new rose bush. Specifically, I told Ron, I wanted one that had fragrant flowers. I used to assume all roses smelled like roses but have discovered many have beautiful flowers but little or no scent.

On my birthday, we visited a local nursery. After examining and sniffing a lot of different roses, I settled on this one named Sheila’s Perfume.

The sense of smell is a powerful trigger of emotions, which can transport a person to pleasant or unpleasant memories. It’s not surprising the apostle Paul uses this powerful metaphor when writing to Christians in Corinth.

I’ve encountered Christians who have exuded a sweet fragrance and also, those who’ve created quite a stench. Truthfully, I’ve done both!

My words today are not written to pass judgment. I’ll leave that to God who sees clearly into each heart. I imagine growing into my friend’s birthday prayer is a large enough project for me to examine in the foreseeable future!


Glorious, Loving, Almighty God,
Enable me to become a fragrance of Christ to others and
A gracious witness to those whose lives touch mine.



Blessings as we increasingly learn
to exude the fragrance of Christ…

P. S. Here are some additional photos Ron took in our yard one recent early morning.


The delicate, graceful, exquisite Japanese iris is one of my favorites.


These peonies originated from my grandfather’s garden and were given to us by my aunt when she moved into a retirement home. They bloomed a little later this year, but usually they are in bloom on Memorial Day—a remembrance of flower-loving ancestors.


Lotsa’ Hosta because we have a lot of shade in our back yard!


We All Have a Story…


I Will Keep on Believing…