Freedom to Live Freely…


This week began with thankful remembrance. Memorial Day, a day to remember those who gave their lives, fighting and defeating threatening forces, to preserve our nation’s freedom.

What a debt of gratitude we owe to these men and women!

Sunday, May 31, is Pentecost SundayPentecost marks the coming of the promised Holy Spirit on followers of Jesus. When the Holy Spirit descended on them in the Upper Room, they were transformed. No longer frightened and confused, his disciples were empowered to preach and teach the message of the risen Christ.

Ten of Jesus’ disciples, and undoubtedly many others in that room, would die a martyr’s death. They gave their lives to declare and preserve the spiritual freedom for which Jesus came.

What a debt of gratitude we owe to these men, women, and above all, Jesus!

Speeches have been orated; poems have been written; and sermons have been preached concerning these four words:

Freedom is not Free!

Today, I ask myself, and wonder if you’d like to join me in asking:

  • Where the rubber of my faith meets the road of my everyday life, what do these four words mean for me?

  • How will I be a good steward of freedom, both as a citizen and a Christ-follower?


Heavenly Father,
You made us in Your image.
Thank You for implanting a desire for freedom into the human heart.

Jesus Christ,
You paid the ultimate price for freedom.
Thank You for giving Your life willingly
to free us from the entanglement of sin and the fear of death.

Holy Spirit,
Thank You for giving wisdom,
for showing us how to best live out God-honoring freedom
that reflects the character of Jesus.



Blessings on your
journey of freedom…


I Will Keep on Believing…


Memorial Day Thanks to All Who’ve Served Our Nation