Week Three - What Sparks JOY in You?

What sparks and drains JOY in your soul? Read more to explore this question in the light of Advent and beyond …

Organizational expert Marie Kondo advises people to examine and keep only what “sparks JOY.” While not convinced that’s always practical, I do believe it is important to occasionally examine not only possessions but also matters of the soul and ask the question: “Does this item, a long-held belief, or obligatory practice spark or drain my JOY?”

I know for many people the period between Thanksgiving and New Years is challenging, and I honor that. I experienced two such bleak seasons several years ago and understand the dread that comes when one’s weary, wounded soul is bombarded with the declaration, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

Mostly, however, Christmas is a season that sparks JOY, and I cherish just about everything Christmas. Celebrating the season of Advent adds meaning. I love focusing each week during December on Advent themes: HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE. My favorite name for Jesus is Immanuel, which means God with us. Advent draws me into the Spirit of Immanuel. Focusing on him increases desire to show generosity and extend grace.

I rarely get tired of Christmas music or watching feel-good holiday movies. I enjoy attending Christmas productions, especially grandkids’ programs.

Almost a year in advance, I plan to manage financial pressures. By setting aside a certain dollar amount each month and completing most shopping by the first of December, expense burdens are lightened.

For many, baking holiday treats “sparks JOY,” but NOT for me. Hosting small holiday luncheons for family and friends does bring JOY.  My favorite meals are simple—homemade soup, salad, crusty bread, light store-bought dessert, and holiday coffee or tea.

In an Advent devotional, Carolyn Arends wrote about decorating, saying “While those gestures may not hold a candle to the real significance of Advent and Christmas … they might hint at it at least a little bit.” Christmas decorations and LOTS of lights "spark JOY” in my soul. Despite the effort, I love decorating our home. With a bit less enthusiasm, my husband embraces the tradition, seldom complaining about wrestling with all those lights I love so much! We start the process early, which enhances Thanksgiving gratitude. We don’t take the meaningful Christmas decor down until after Epiphany on January 6th.

The following photos of trees in our home reflect themes of Advent. The first, from a tree in our entryway, highlights HOPE. The second from the front room tree depicts angels declaring “Peace on earth.” The third, a miniature one in the family room, is my “Joy Tree,” decorated with sparkly red “JOY’s” and small white angels my mom bought several years ago as a thank you for writing her Christmas letter.

So, what sparks and drains JOY in your soul during Advent and throughout the year? I imagine this is a question worth considering.

Blessings for deep JOY this third week of Advent! 


Advent - Week Four LOVE


Advent Discovering Joy that Chases Away Fear Week Three: Joy