What does canning a batch of raspberry jam, and the birth of a baby boy have in common? Read today’s post for the answer to this rather bizarre question.
Last Saturday, I experienced the exquisite while doing the ordinary.
My ordinary day included canning a batch of raspberry jam. I don’t do a lot of canning, but it is a favorite homemaker activity. There’s something quite lovely about the process and outcome of canning.
While I followed the ordinary steps of canning in Coeur d’Alene, more than 800 miles away, my firstborn granddaughter was experiencing the grueling process necessary to achieve the outcome of giving birth to a beautiful baby boy. Nothing, I imagine, is more exquisite than a newborn!
Our first great grandson arrived quite unexpectedly several days before his due date. A few challenges created lots of “Lord, have mercy” prayers, accompanied with deep gratitude for excellent technology and medical care. Baby Boy arrived with a lusty cry and weighed in at 6 pounds, 2 ounces. The wee little man, Baker Jackson Powell, was loved at first sight by family near and far.
So, what does a soon-to-be great grandma do at the intersection of ordinary and exquisite. Well, Great Grandma Susie decided to give her ordinary raspberry jam the exquisite name of Baker Jackson Jam! And then, Great Grandpa Ron staged the ten half-pint jars for a photo! When I visit this newest addition to our family in mid-November, my suitcase will contain several jars of Baker Jackson Jam for family members.
During the months preceding my great grandson’s arrival, I wrote four different letters to him. The final letter, written October 10, 2024, closed with this prayer:
Dear Jesus,
You love to bless little children, and
I ask you to bless my firstborn great-grandson!
As he makes his entrance into the world during this beautiful autumn season,
Protect both Baby Boy and his mommy during delivery.
Be with each doctor, nurse, and every medical person who helps with his birth.
Bring peace into the hearts of his daddy and all who wait anxiously for his arrival.
Thank you for the joy and hope this little guy will bring into our lives.
So much joy in this photo of my firstborn “baby,” Angie, showing off her exquisite newborn grandson.
My prayer, I believe, was not only received by God, but was answered in a way that expands my trust, gratitude, and peace in making ordinary petitions to God whose love and concern about our every concern is exquisite.
Blessings on both your ordinary and exquisite life moments!