When Life’s Storms Threaten My Joy….

Last year about this time, my husband and I took a long-anticipated New England vacation. Upon leaving Coeur d’Alene, we envisioned crisp autumn days and beautifully colored foliage.

Instead, the day we flew into Boston, a Nor’easter storm of epic proportions blew into the region, stripping many trees and shrubs of their leaves. Menacing storm clouds filled the sky most days we were there.

Overlooking Stowe, Vermont

Overlooking Stowe, Vermont

What’s the old saying:  If you don’t succeed, try, try again?

A few days ago, we set off for a trip—already cancelled twice due to Covid-19—to the Oregon coast. Weather had been unseasonably warm, and we were so looking forward to sunshiny days and long barefoot walks on the beach.

Instead, the day we left for Oregon, our beautiful weather changed dramatically,  turning blustery and chilly!

Life is filled with lots of different storms. Some storms relate to meteorological conditions. Other storms are connected to all sorts of unexpected happenings, trauma, loss, and grief.

So, what can I do when storms of life assault my expectations and dreams? A good place to begin I believe is following advice Paul gave his friends in Thessalonica.

“In everything give thanks.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 Emphasis mine)

Some storms do much more than wreak havoc on vacation plans. To be honest, there’s no way we can thank God for some storms.

But I can give thanks despite the storm.

I can ask God to open the eyes of my heart to catch even a brief beautiful blessing in whatever storm I encounter.

Are you experiencing a life storm right now? If so, I am asking God to enable you to glimpse beauty in your storm.

Lake Champlain, Vermont

Lake Champlain, Vermont

Through sunshiny and stormy days, blessings on your Journey…



Discovering Faith in Discouragement….


Humility: Key to God-Honoring Self-Awareness