Winter of the Soul

I’ve always lived in locales with four distinct seasons. Winter has ALWAYS been my least favorite!

     The words “season” and “seasons” are used some forty times in Scripture.

As a Christ follower, I have transitioned through many “seasons of the soul,” and even spiritually speaking, winter is my least favorite! Despite my lack of fondness for winter, I know life-changing work occurs in its dark, isolating, stormy days.

Take the photo of this tree for instance. During wintertime it appears barren and lifeless, but a vital unseen work is happening deep within its trunk.

A person’s soul during winter often struggles with melancholy, doubt, and a feeling of uselessness. Mark Buchanan reflects:

Winter is when your heart is so closed up you can’t imagine it ever opening again, your dreams so buried you can’t conceive of them resurrecting.[i]

Shortly before his crucifixion, Jesus told his disciples:  

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes. (John 15:1-2)

Jesus was speaking to people who were more familiar with grapevines than trees, but I believe the same lesson applies to those of us who live in regions plentiful with trees.

     For most trees, the optimum time for pruning is late winter. A skilled arborist knows which branches must be lopped off to ensure healthy growth, beauty and fruitfulness. The arborist cuts without apology. Branches whacked off ooze sap, but the tree expert isn’t worried because the one pruning realizes those cuts will survive and heal beautifully. A scar may result, but the wound won’t be fatal.

     So, it is with our souls. When God prunes off useless branches, it may feel harsh. The pruning may even result in tears. But the infinitely wise Master Gardener knows what needs to be cut off so we will produce good fruit—the fruit of the Spirit:

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control[ii]

Unlike a tree, the Master Gardener has given you and me the opportunity to cooperate in the pruning process. I’m learning my cooperation, while sometimes difficult or puzzling, also brings a sense of soul security.


My Prayer for the Winter Season

God of every season…

During winter seasons of my soul, meet me in the dark, lonely moments.

 Quiet my troubled thoughts.

Breathe joy into my sadness and loss.

Fill gaps of doubt with the assurance you are in control.

As you prune away that which needs to go, fill me with hope, peace, and anticipation for the new season which lies ahead.

(BTW, Lord, I much prefer spring, summer, and fall!)


Blessings on your journey,

[i]  Mark Buchanan, Spiritual Rhythms (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2010,) 37

[ii] Galatians 5:22-23 NIV


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