Words for Dark Days

I heard a local weather forecaster say that during the month of March, we gain 100 extra minutes of daylight. That, combined with the arrival of Daylight Savings Time this past weekend, means our days will be getting a whole lot longer.

     Even as we move into a season promising greater light, war rages in Ukraine, and it seems as if our world is moving into greater darkness. Probably like you, my heart is breaking for the millions of innocent people being impacted because of such evil acts.

    This morning I found comfort in words recorded in Scripture. Daniel surely would have understood what people in Ukraine are experiencing. When he was around 17 or 18 years old, an evil army invaded his country. Cities were destroyed. Many innocents were slaughtered. Daniel and other young men were carried into captivity by the Babylonians.

     Despite living in exile, Daniel never abandoned his faith, and God blessed and protected him. Even though the Bible book bearing his name was probably written after his death, I believe words written in Daniel 2:20-22 encapsulate his experience during the years of exile.

     As I’ve considered them, these words became guides for my prayers for Ukraine.

Blessed be the name of God forever and ever

     Despite the brutal reality of his situation, Daniel never stopped revering God. I imagine he may have been perplexed sometimes that God had allowed what happened to happen, but he never ceased to bless the name of God. This type of reverence reminds me of the opening line of the prayer Jesus taught his friends to pray: Our, Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed [holy] be thy name.

For wisdom and might are his: and he changeth the times and the seasons:

     God knows what is happening. I don’t understand why God does not always intervene as we would like, but I believe the God who created time and who understands changing seasons is in control.

He removeth kings:

      God has power to remove brutal leaders, and I am praying God will deal justly with the evil leaders perpetrating the brutality in Ukraine. My prayerful hope is that this will occur soon, but I trust God will administer just punishment (and reward) at some point in time.

He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

      My prayer is that political and military leaders will make wise decisions and will listen to knowledge given by reasonable and understanding advisors.

He revealeth the deep and secret things:

      Even as Daniel was given the grace to understand God is holy and never executes evil, I am praying many people in Ukraine will accept the same type of grace, and despite the unthinkable harm they are enduring, they will be able to distinguish between God’s goodness and humankind’s ability to commit evil.

He knoweth what is darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

      While the darkness is so very bleak and black in Ukraine right now, I am thankful for Jesus, who said, “I am the light of the world.” I see the light of Jesus’ love reflected in so many individual volunteers and charitable organizations helping battered and bewildered refugees. I am grateful also for the generosity of those who cannot go but are willing to give resources to assist.

Blessings to each of you as you do what you can do and pray as you can pray for the people of Ukraine,


Lent Focus # 3 Almsgiving & Prayer Go Hand in Hand


Lent Focus #2 Frail, Fleeting, but not Final!