Advent - Week 3 - Joy

Our five grandkids, including Emmi and Reeve, always spark JOY. Since some family won’t be here at Christmas, we enjoyed an early celebration following Emmi’s church Christmas program, appropriately entitled, The JOY Store.

     When I contemplated writing a blog over seven years ago, I had many misgivings.

The first was navigating the technological piece, which was solved when I met Stephen Robinson, who has been my web manager the entire time.

     Since I worked many years for the government and was involved in writing several mission statements, my mind convinced me a mission statement was a prerequisite. Prayerfully, I considered my mission, which has never changed: 

In a winsome and grace-filled manner, I will point readers to a never-changing God in

our always changing worlds.

Finally, my daughter told me I needed to post often and regularly if I hoped to gain a “following.” I cared less about a “following” than the opportunity to write messages from my heart, but I heeded Sarah’s advice and decided to post every Monday and Thursday.

With the able assistance of Stephen; the patience and photo partnership of my husband, Ron; and of course, the willingness of people like you who read the words I write, I’ve been able to share messages intended to inspire and encourage.

One good thing about knowing I have two posts to write each week is that I am constantly looking to catch glimpses of God’s goodness about which to write.

Like the other day. 

I decided to do some holiday grocery shopping even though my growling belly protested. While explaining to the woman working the deli counter how I wanted my chicken sliced, she said, “Here, I’ll cut a piece for you. You can see if it’s right, and then you can eat it.” “Great,” I replied, “I am REALLY hungry.” In a jiff, the nice lady returned with not one, but three slices, reminding, “Hey, it’s not good to grocery shop when you’re hungry because you make too many impulse purchases!”

The chicken was sliced perfectly, and its nourishment helped calm my grumpy tummy.

This simple exchange sparked JOY and reminded me of God’s extravagant goodness to me when the hunger I feel is not in my belly but rather in my soul!

The theme of this third week of Advent is JOY. Sometimes, I don’t feel joyful. Instead, I feel rushed, annoyed, misunderstood, inadequate, ignored, worried, or pressured to perform.

Several years ago, my soul felt like it was starving. The way I had been taught and lived out my faith since childhood left me longing for something more. Searching for what might satisfy my hungry soul, I started getting up at 4 a.m. daily and began a purposeful journey of Bible study, Scripture memorization, and trying to learn to “listen” for the still, small voice of God’s Spirit whispering into my spirit.

I feel like a slow learner. I have mis-stepped along the way. These years have been filled with lots of transitions, many of which were discouraging and difficult. Even so, I have known a never-changing God who is kind, winsome, patient, and loaded-with-grace, has been with me, faithful to lead me onto the path that provides the just-right nourishment for my soul. I have never been disappointed in my decision to pursue God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with purpose and passion.

In closing, I ask myself:  What one word might best describe this journey? Not at all surprised, I realize, the word is JOY!

Emmi and her friend choreographed a graceful ballet performance for their church’s joy-filled Christmas pageant.

No matter how your world may be changing right now, I hope today’s message encourages you to consider the JOY Jesus brought to humanity that long ago Christmas,


Advent - Week 4 - Love


Advent - Week 3 - Joy