Advent - Week 3 - Joy

JOY is the theme for the third week of Advent. Sunday morning, Ron and I lit the pink candle on our Advent wreath. Called the “Bethlehem Candle,” it is pink because rose is the liturgical color which represents JOY. This candle joined the lit candles of HOPE and PEACE.

The night Jesus was born, Luke reports an angel appeared to a group of shepherds who were simply doing what shepherds do on a chilly winter night. They were taking care of their sheep. The angelic appearance terrified the shepherds. But then,

“… the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great JOY (See Luke 2:8-10).

    Fear is generally known as a negative emotion. Other negative emotions include anger, inadequacy, sadness, resentment, and shame. They sap energy and lead to a sense of helplessness. Negative emotions are not safe.

     JOY, on the other hand is a positive emotion, which chases away fear and creates a sense of safety. Perhaps it was the message of JOY that gave those shepherds courage to travel as quickly as they could to Bethlehem for a glimpse of the Savior, the long-awaited Messiah.

     According to Galatians 5:22-23, JOY is a “fruit of the Spirit.” In my spiritual formation journey, I have learned my cooperation with the work of the Spirit in me enables spiritual fruit, such as JOY, to grow despite negative emotions and circumstances that sabotage quickly and easily.

Henri Nouwen, a Dutch priest, writer, theologian, and professor at prestigious universities such as Notre Dame, Harvard, and Yale agreed, saying,

“JOY does not simply happen to us. We have to choose JOY and keep choosing it every day.”

Advent Prayer for Joy

God of Second Chances and Safety,

The times were rife with negative emotions when Nehemiah reminded the people in his community,

“The JOY of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)

Help me and my reader friends choose JOY even when life feels dark, difficult, and dangerous.

Alongside HOPE and PEACE, fill our hearts with JOY this holy Advent season.

Like Christmas lights illuminating cold, dark winter nights,

May the JOY of Your Spirit shine from deeply within us.

Thank you, Jesus, for coming to a brutal world to give JOY that can transcend every circumstance.

The JOY I request today is ______________________________

(fill in the blank)


I am praying you will find strength and safety this week in Advent JOY,


Advent - Week 3 - Joy


Advent - Week 2