A Spiritual Journey of Love

While the spiritual journey can seem murky at times, Jesus’ declaration he was the Light of the World assures me I can depend on him to give me light needed for each “next step.” Read more …

                                     Point Loma Lighthouse in San Diego on a clear, cloudless August day.

A highly educated English teacher friend told me she doesn’t like the word “journey” because it has been over-used. My smart friend is probably correct. Nevertheless, I love the word.

Several years ago, I challenged myself to a courageous-journey-goal. I wanted to become more than “a nice Christian lady,” who was well versed in “Christianese,” and who needed to always have the “right” answer.  I wanted to be an in-the-trenches apprentice of Jesus who increasingly trusted Jesus IS the “right” answer, and who learned how to live in greater congruence with how he taught and did life.  

A helpful book was one I referenced in the Listening on the  Journey … September 2024 blog posts, Surrender to Love – Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality by David G. Benner.

Something that makes this book extra special is it was a gift from Dr. Benner’s dad, Gordan, and his sweet wife Lillian. (Since then, both have transitioned to their heavenly homes.) Gordie and Lillian were houseguests while visiting Coeur d’Alene to attend their grandchild’s wedding. Married later in life, following the deaths of their first spouses, Lillian and Gordie were not only delightful but inspirational, and I still cherish some of our rich conversations.

In Surrender to Love’s epilogue, Dr. Benner speaks of spirituality as a journey. Here’s what he says,

“Describing Christian spirituality as a journey has become quite popular of late, as the journey metaphor has been increasingly applied to our life experience.” (Note: This supports my friend’s assertion!) Benner continues, “But the image is not new. And applying it to Christian spirituality is firmly rooted in Scripture.” (Perhaps I am on track! 😊)

Benner continues, “Jesus described himself as ‘the Way’ – that is, the route to God (John 14:6). This became one of the earliest ways of referring to Christians, who were often described as  being ‘followers of the Way’ (Acts 9:2) …. The image of journeying with Jesus … is a journey of growing into ‘the fullness of Christ.’ (Ephesians 4:13). It is a journey of progressive union with God.”

I have no idea who is reading these words today, but I believe each reader is somewhere on her or his spiritual journey. No matter where you are, I want you to know I am praying for you and asking God to show you in some significant, albeit perhaps small, way how valuable you are and how much you are loved by the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! I firmly believe God’s love is worth surrendering to every single step of our “journey!”

Blessings to you,


Voluntary Surrender