Reflections: On the Zoo and Becoming a Great Grandma

Blessings to reader friends for joining me for a trip to the Zoo while allowing me to share some great-grandma excitement! …

In less than a month, I will become a great grandmother.

I love being “Grandma Susie” to five grandchildren—three girls and two boys. Watching my first granddaughter enter the world was a profoundly spiritual experience. I literally felt as if my life as a woman had come full circle. But indeed, it had not. The “circle of life” will soon expand when that granddaughter gives birth to her son.

I’ve imagined what this little guy, who will possess strands of my ancestral DNA, will look like and what type of personality he will possess. To express some of those thought, I have written letters to my future great-grandson. Today’s reflections are from the third letter I mailed on September 9th.  

The letter included thoughts about Ron’s and my recent visit to the San Diego Zoo. Zoos and kids seem to go together, and while there, I often thought about him. In today’s post, I’ve included excerpts from my letter as well as brief insights about some of the animals Ron captured so well through the lens of his camera.

Great-Grandma’s Baby Reflection: You are now around 33 weeks old. In less than two months, you will be discovering bit-by-bit the world that will be your new home.

Last week your Great Grandpa Ron and I visited the San Diego Zoo. I imagined your squeals of delight when you see for the first time a skyscraper-high giraffe. Giraffes are my favorite animal.

Zoo Reflection:  A giraffe was the first wild animal I saw when we visited South Africa, and the inquisitive, gentle giant immediately became my favorite.

Zoo Reflection: The okapi, with white-and-black striped hindquarter and legs, is a stunning, strange looking animal related not to the zebra but to the giraffe!

Great-Grandma’s Baby Reflection:  At the zoo, I saw for the first time a real live panda, and it brought me so much joy. Many wonderful “firsts” await you!

Zoo Reflection: We were cautioned about the possibility of not seeing the two giant pandas from China which had only been at the Zoo for a couple weeks, but we were lucky, grateful, and blessed. Xin Bao, the female, was munching branches.

Yun Chuan, the male, relaxed in the morning sunshine.  

Zoo Reflection:   Big old Elephant.

Zoo Reflection: I’m Montana born-and-raised and appreciated the story of two black grizzly bear brothers, named Montana and Scout. Their mother was teaching her cubs the very bad habit of hunting for food at Yellowstone Park campgrounds, and these magnificent animals would have been euthanized if not given a protected home at the Zoo.  

Zoo Reflection:  Ant Eaters are such peculiar critters!

Zoo Reflection:  This magnificent leopard was a glorious sight but didn’t appear to be happy pacing back and forth over fenced-in bridge.

Zoo Reflection:  Several tigers, considered critically endangered, are being preserved at the Zoo.

Zoo Reflection:  A great tour bus guide reminded us of the way you distinguish monkeys from apes. Monkeys have tails and apes, such as the gorilla below, do not.

Great-Grandma’s Baby Reflection: Oh, how many wonderful things are waiting for you to learn! I do hope you will love to read. I was so happy to see the impressive library of books in your nursery even before you are born!!

Great-Grandma’s Baby Reflection: Along with today’s letter, I am sending you a little book about colors. I bet within a couple years, you will be able to recognize these funny flamingos are PINK

Until next time, soon-to-arrive great grandson, I want to tell you again how much I already love you. I know I am only one of many, and it tickles my heart to know you will be entering a world of enormous love. Mostly, little man, I hope you will somehow, some day know how very much you are loved by God. 

Blessings on the remainder of your journey into this big wide world!


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