Assisi Morning Prayer

More than once, someone has asked me where I come up with all the ideas for my blog. I generally tell them I never run out of ideas, but I do run out of time to write them down in a coherent manner.

     Lately, I still have plenty of ideas tumbling around in my thoughts, and if I am truthful, I have had sufficient time to write them down. For some reason, however, I’ve been experiencing “writer’s block.” (How about I blame it on the heat!? 😊)

Instead of beating myself up and feeling guilty, I decided to extend grace to me. The next two or three posts, I will be posting brief inspirational thoughts and prayers, which I hope will bless your day. In the meantime, I plan to put into action the third line of St. Francis’ prayer, which I’ve highlighted below. 

Morning Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, help me to live this day, quietly, easily;

to lean on Your great strength, trustfully, restfully;

to wait for the unfolding of Your will, patiently, serenely;

to meet others, peacefully, joyfully;

to face tomorrow, confidently, courageously.


Blessings on your journey!


Grace Moves In


Consider Contemplation and Action