Grace Moves In

In my last post I told you I have been experiencing some writer’s block lately and would only be posting brief inspirational tidbits for a while. I also told you that rather than feeling guilty about my decision, I have chosen to extend grace to myself.

When I was in my late twenties, I experienced a deep crisis of faith. I felt as if God had betrayed me. During that tumultuous season, which lasted a couple years, over and over and over, I experienced God’s grace in a variety of ways. Sometimes it came through a gracious person. Oftentimes, though, it came in a manner I realized could only be God’s doing.

Gradually, I realized God had not betrayed me. I have regrets about certain reactions during that season, but I do not experience guilt. I know God understood my traumatized state and forgave many missteps I confessed. As Max Lucado so succinctly and eloquently stated, “When grace moves in … guilt moves out.”

How grateful I am for God’s great grace that moves in so we do not need to be saddled with a lifetime of guilt!

Praying you will catch a glimpse of God’s grace today, reader friend,

Blessings on your journey!


God of Living Waters Blessing


Assisi Morning Prayer